In attempt to embarrass the Bush Administration, President Barack Obama purposely redacted CIA memos that shows evidence that enhanced interrogations led to specific actionable intelligence that prevented Terrorists attacks and saved American lives.
The Main Stream Media, again is being derelict in their duties of providing the American people with the truth. The MSM will not ask the Obama administration the tough questions as to why he is playing politics and risking the lives of thousands of Americans from future attacks.
In his short time in office, President Obama has imperiled the American people by reverting to a Pre-911 mentality that was a key factor that led to our vulnerability of the World Trade Center attacks.
This country is much less safer by the irresponsible actions of this most disgraceful excuse for a president.
President Barack Obama saw fit to authorize the release formerly classified memos concerning enhanced interrogation techniques used against captured enemy combatants.
This is sheer folly on the part of our president who fancies himself as president of the world rather than president of the United States. This is a man who swore to protect, uphold, and defend the constitution but instead he rather help our enemies.
What brilliant idea will he come up with next?
So, as a result of the public backlash from former CIA directors and Republicans, the Obama White House hastily organised a photo-op at CIA headquarters with handpicked staffers to give the appearance of adulation and support. Of course, the Main Stream Media, the propaganda arm of the Obama administration, covered the event as if President Barack Obama was a rock star. However, the vast majority of the United States have seen passed the charade and see the president for what he is, a dangerously naive former senator from the corrupt Chicago political machine.
I’ll be away on vacation visiting my parents between Sept 28 to Oct 6.
I wanna thank my loyal readers who stop by from around the world to check out what I have to offer. For the time that I’m away, I have scheduled some early posts where I didn’t know what the heck I was doing and it shows.
TLT was very raw then and it was my outlet to deal with the election of Barack Obama as our president
This was my therapy!
And interesting enough I have discovered that my two best friends in the blog game, Cliff at Another Black Conservative and Tim at Left Coast Rebel started their blogs with the exact same motivation.
Thanks guys for helping TLT grow!
Thanks Cliff for believing in me when I though that 55 visitors a day was a good day. TLT is now averaging 500 visitors a day thanks to ABC’s linkage.
Tim at LCR thanks for your timely advice and friendship from the Left Coast.
Smitty at The Other Mccain, thanks for making Bikini Friday a huge hit!
Special thanks to my readers in the UK and Canada, I’m honored by your visits.
Thanks to Ron Russell at TOTUS for all your encouragement during the very early days. I haven’t forgotten you!
Again, thanks to everyone who took the time to read my crazy mess. Please continue to visit while I’m away. I’ve schedule a posting at 12 noon for each day I’m away.
ABC News reports that although no final decision has been made because of family considerations, ABC News has learned that White House officials are preparing for Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to announce on Friday -- as Congress adjourns for recess -- that he is leaving his post to explore a run for mayor of Chicago.
White House officials expect that President Obama will also name an interim chief of staff, perhaps senior adviser Pete Rouse, at the announcement.
Sources close to Emanuel cautioned that he has yet to pull that last trigger on the decision. Emanuel's likely departure is not a surprise; his mayoral aspirations are well known.
That brings me to the next thought, so many people on the left blame Rahm Emanuel for Obama’s failure; will these lefty then come out and support Rahm for Chicago mayor? Something tells me that Rahm is going to have one heck of a primary fight on his hands. Maybe that is why he needs to leave early.
Gee, somebody really wasted a lot of time an effort to what most people already knew about the legacy networks.
Doesn’t Rachel Maddow look like the origial Karate Kid?
The Politico reports that more people are getting their news about the upcoming election from cable television than any other source, and from Fox News more than any other cable channel, according to a POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll released Monday.
The poll found that 81 percent of those polled get their news about the midterm elections from cable channels, like Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or their websites, compared with 71 percent from national network news channels, such as ABC, NBC or CBS, and their websites. Among cable news channels, Fox was the clear winner, with 42 percent of respondents saying it is their main source, compared with 30 percent who cited CNN and 12 percent who rely on MSNBC.
The results show the growing influence that 24-hour cable news has on shaping the political consciousness, despite the fact that network newscasts still draw many multiples of the number of viewers of even the highest-rated cable news shows.
“Because people can tune into cable at any time of day, I think the cumulative audience is probably larger than the cumulative audience for the three network news shows,” said Chris Arterton, dean of the George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management.
Calling herself a "former sex worker," the well-liked teacher has been shockingly up front about her past -- posting online accounts of her sexcapades in Mexico and London.
But in her boldest move, the 30-year-old posted an essay this month claiming she also had been a pros titute.
"From October 2006 to January 2007, I accepted money in exchange for sexual services I provided to men I met online in what was then called the 'erotic services' section of," wrote Petro on The Huffington Post, using her real name and picture. The attached bio identifies Petro, who has an MFA in creative nonfiction from The New School, as a "former sex worker, researcher, writer, educator, and feminist."
It appears she managed to keep her shenanigans a secret from parents at PS 70 -- who were stunned by the revelation.
"I don't want nobody that used to do that to be around my kid," said Grace Ventura, whose son is in third grade. "People like that should not be allowed to be anywhere near children."
She has revealed that she fears Simon, 50, could give himself a heart attack if he keeps working so hard
Sinitta, 41 - who helps Cowell at the judges' houses stage - told Now magazine: "I try to persuade him to take a break. He's exhausted." Her words came as she copied Christine Keeler's famous 1963 pose for the mag.
You can never trust a Liberal Democrat. Check that, they call themselves “Progressives” as if people can’t tell the difference. Dem pol from North Dakota, Earl Pomeroy, is shamelessly trying to save his ass by kissing up to George W. Bush.
We’ve seen plenty of Democrats in tight races trying to distance themselves from President Obama. But one Democrat, North Dakota's Rep. Earl Pomeroy, is taking this a step farther by actually embracing President George W. Bush. Pomeroy is locked in what’s shaping up to be the toughest contest of his 17-year House career. He faces GOP state Rep. Rick Berg.
Gateway Pundit says: You’ve just gotta love this. Democrats are now running to Bush to help them with their elections. Dem Rep. Earl Pomeroy, who voted with Pelosi 97% of the time, is now running a pro-Bush ad in North Dakota.
Democrats across the country are basically telling Obama, “Screw you, buddy! It’s every man for himself!”
When you’re running for political office you’re life gets exposed to the kind of scrutiny most Americans wouldn’t want to deal with.
I recall the very day after David Paterson was inaugurated NY gov after Gov Elliott Spitzer was forced to resign for being client #9 (hooker scandal), Patterson admitted to having multiple affairs (his blindness didn’t stop him for getting some on the side). He voluntarily threw it out there because he knew he was moving into the fishbowl in Albany and it was better to make the dirty details public, own up to it, and move on.
The issue lasted a few days and then faded away into memory.
However, Patterson had the advantage of being a Democrat in a Democrat state. Had he’d been a conservative Republican; the story would have hung around like Freddie Cruger unable to kill it.
Enter Carl Paladino, a Republican and tea Party fav running in a Democrat state with some baggage of his own. And like David Patterson, he’s coming clean for the voters. His wife, Cathy is standing by her man and gave an extensive interview to the New York Post.
Of course none of these deep personal family natters have no bearing on what Carl Paladino wants to do to save New York from failing Democrat high tax and spend policies that is running NY into the ground, right?
Brilliant conservative Paul Ryan destroyed Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz today on CNN.
Ryan did not allow this horrible leftist to get away with her usual misrepresentations especially since she was lying about his economic plan. It’s really sad that these leftists have to resort to lies to get voters to support their party.
Paul Ryan was absolutely correct– He was not going to have an adult conversation. …Not with Wasserman Schultz.
Here’s my analysis. I think Debbie really likes Paul Ryan. Even though she vigorously disagrees with Ryan, her body language screams, “I love this man’s broad shoulders.”
The mega scandal involving world renowned soccer star David Beckham took a turn for the down and dirty. Irma Nici, a high priced call-girl alleges to participating in a threesome with Beck and another prostitute.
In response, Beckham has filed a lawsuit against Nici to clear his name.
Sources close to the soccer legend hit out after the 26-year-old Bosnian hooker challenged him to drop his pants in court to prove his innocence. Nici - who was yet again unable to provide any evidence to support her allegations - claimed she had seen "distinguishing characteristics" which would support her story.
But Team Beckham lawyers vowed to step up their bid to sue her and the US magazine which published the vile slur for £16million damages.
And a Beckham source said: "This should be seen for what it is - the ravings of a desperate woman.
"She is a malicious fantasist without a single shred of evidence to support her pack of lies.
"The writs stand against her, the magazine and its publishers. The statement is further proof that she has absolutely no evidence.
"If she had, she would have disclosed it by now to one of the many publications she has been trying to hawk her story to. It is not surprising that she's had no takers."
The source added: "Attention is now being focused on the magazine publishers as to why they maliciously went ahead with this article, knowing it was based on lies."
Nici's management said earlier: "Irma stands by her previous statements. Any lawsuit against her is a publicity stunt and without merit.
"Any attorney who brings an action against her should be prepared to face sanctions and pay all legal costs because they will lose.
"There is more to the story that Irma hasn't told yet. We are highly confident that Irma can provide enough detail and other forms of proof to persuade a jury that her tryst with David Beckham did indeed take place.
Mind you Gawker is Far Left website, so when it comes to politics, take that in mind.
As usual, Progressives love to attack a persons Christianity. Maybe it’s because they really are against God in general. But, if Webster were a Muslim, do you think they would air an ad like this?
Full disclosure: I share David Patterson’s disability and when he became gov of New York, I found myself feeling very good inside for him being the first legally blind gov of a state in the history of the country.
I didn’t expect to feel a sense of pride, but psychologically, I couldn’t help it. And even though me and Patterson probably disagree politically 95%, I feel tender towards him and have never criticized his stint as NY gov.
What can I say?
The New York Post reports Gov. David Paterson appeared on "Saturday Night Live" last night to poke fun at the show's portrayal of him as a bumbling blind man.
Paterson is really a good sport and I give him a lot of credit when he offered state land as a alternative for the GZ Mosque. He was the most adult pol in the state who really tried to alleviate a bad situation unlike our idiot mayor Mike Bloomberg.
Bristol Palin and her partner Mark Ballas are preparing now (click here to watch rehearsal) for their second week in "Dancing with the Stars"!
Although it's an exciting race for Bristol, this self describing "public advocate for teen pregnancy prevention" is currently being a recipient of more criticism. Nevertheless, she is taking it in a positive way, which I think is mostly the appropriate action to stick to. Of course, it will be very natural for her now to get criticism from her judges (which by the way, will seem to her really tough at times during this season). However, she has also become part now of the circle of mothers who have participated in "Dancing with the Stars" that have had controversial, public motherhood related lives (such as Kate Gosselin). We can already observe that type of pattern through online columns and other publications. Everyone has their right to express their opinion and I like to read on all kinds of points of view. However, in this particular case, I think Bristol made quite a good move to be part of this ongoing event and I really don't think that this is particularly going to affect her motherhood. There are a lot of public figures with an unbelievable schedule and they have to manage their personal lives as well. Aside from her popularity and publicity, I think she is a nice lady. What do you think though?
I came across this video by accident by accident and decided it deserves its own post. It’s really smacks up the Obama presidency and his fellow cohorts.
Rightside News reports that a new 5-minute music video entitled 'Gangsta Government Rap' is beginning to sweep the Internet, appearing to be well on its way to becoming viral. In the first 48-hours since it was posted on YouTube, the video has received over 20,000 views. It has been prominently featured on the websites of The Fox Nation, The Washington Examiner and The American Spectator. Hundreds of Facebook posts and Twitter tweets have been logged encouraging people to watch the video.
The video's title was inspired by a 2009 column by Michael Barone in which he referred to the federal government as 'Gangster Government.' The video catalogs the federal government's efforts to impose an unpopular radical agenda on the American people.
The video was written and produced by Minnesota Majority, a non-profit government watchdog group.
The group is concerned about the apparent corruption and abuse of power in today's federal government.
The rap is performed by Gregory Van Leer (a.k.a. The Infidel). He has recorded a number of rap songs with a conservative message, including "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder." He is working on his first album and is currently seeking a distributor.
"We wanted to find a creative way to convey our message and reach a new audience," said Jeff Davis, president of Minnesota Majority. "We think this video will help us accomplish that mission."
Remember all the stories about ACORN ginning up fake voter registrations in several states across the country?
Well, two ordinary citizens felt something didn’t seem right in Harris County in the city of Houston Texas during the 2008 elections and they decided to do some snooping around.
In this Fox News reports vacant lots had several voters registered on them. An eight-bed halfway house had more than 40 voters registered at its address,” Engelbrecht said. “We then decided to look at who was registering the voters."
Their work paid off. Two weeks ago the Harris County voter registrar took their work and the findings of his own investigation and handed them over to both the Texas secretary of state’s office and the Harris County district attorney.
Most of the findings focused on a group called Houston Votes, a voter registration group headed by Steve Caddle, who also works for the Service Employees International Union. Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid. The other registrations included one of a woman who registered six times in the same day; registrations of non-citizens; so many applications from one Houston Voters collector in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability; and 1,597 registrations that named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.
“The integrity of the voting rolls in Harris County, Texas, appears to be under an organized and systematic attack by the group operating under the name Houston Votes,” the Harris voter registrar, Leo Vasquez, charged as he passed on the documentation to the district attorney. A spokesman for the DA's office declined to discuss the case. And a spokesman for Vasquez said that the DA has asked them to refrain from commenting on the case.
The outcome of the efforts grew in importance the day after Vasquez made his announcement. On the morning of Aug. 27, a three-alarm fire destroyed almost all of Harris County’s voting machines, throwing the upcoming Nov. 2 election into turmoil. While the cause wasn’t determined, the $40 million blaze, according to press reports, means election officials will be focused on creating a whole new voting system in six weeks. Just how they do it will determine how vulnerable the process becomes.
As you may know, but it’s worth repeating, Liberals HATE Black conservatives because they totally blows their template they set up for Blacks. You know, stuff like dependency on government/Democratic Party.
Javier writes:
At the Vets for West picnic today in Delray Beach,Florida, Congressional Candidate Allen West, in true form called out the Democrat Party and it’s spineless minions that include, none other than Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Allen has already sent Madam Speaker a message-Allen West to Pelosi- “Give Me that Damn avel!”) and ‘the Messiah’ himself, President Barack H. Obama.
The Congressional Black Caucus and Congressman- impeached Federal Judge Alcee Hastings have announced that they will be campaigning against West on behalf of Congressman Ron Klein.
Becks, 35, acted after her claims he had a threesome with her and another vice girl were first published in the US.
He has given his worldwide team of lawyers a blank cheque to clear his name.
And they will DEMAND a front-cover apology from the US magazine that published the vice girl's sordid claims that Becks paid for sex with her and another prostitute.
Irma scurried into hiding as dad-of-three Becks and his wife Victoria put on a united front in Los Angeles.
A pal of the LA Galaxy playmaker said: "David is prepared to scour the Earth for this woman, who seems to think she could make up a complete fantasy that is extremely hurtful to him and and his family.
"She has treated his wife and children with such disregard he is not prepared to let this one go.
Tensions in the town of Cap d'Agde, which is known as France's "Naked City" thanks to its large nudist population, have risen after locals complained that the nudist quarter had been overrun by raunchy hotels and that children had been confronted with people indulging in sexual acts in public, according to the Independent.
The exhibitionist behaviour has been blamed on the "libertines", a group of swingers who have descended on the town in recent years
To make matters worse, the group has been accused of walking about in their clothes and mocking the "real" nudists, the paper said.
Florence Denestebe, an independent local councillor, recently told a council meeting:
"When the sun shines, there is an area of Cap d'Agde which turns into the European capital of free sex."
She called on the mayor to intervene before there was an "explosion of libertine behaviour in non-nudist areas" of the town.
Traditional nudists support the move. One told the paper that they had moved to the area because they wanted "a natural life" but that they had ended up living "surrounded by wild animals".
In July 2009, when Congress began looking into the matter, someone named Malik Shabazz visited the private residence at the White House. When news of the visit was released under the auspices of transparency, the White House denied that the Malik Shabazz on the visitor’s log was the same Malik Shabazz involved in the New Black Panther voter intimidation case.
According to Norm Eisen, special counsel to the president for ethics and government reform, the records contained “a few “false positives” – names that make you think of a well-known person, but are actually someone else.” He specifically cited Malik Shabazz as an example of one of these “false positives”.
At the time, the media did not challenge the White House on the veracity of this claim. The White House’s position was, basically: “We’re being transparent, here are all the visitor logs, and this guy is not the guy you think he is, TRUST US.”
I get asked all the time, why no stories about Lindsey Lohan? The reason is I’m really sick of her. She’s in the papers practically everyday and I still can’t figure out why.
But, she’s the flavor of the years for some reason. I do like to throw in some Celeb stuff into this mostly political blog to liven things up. So in a sense, I guess Lindsey should get some dap.
Lindsay Lohan is a free woman again, well sort of. has confirmed that the troubled starlet posted her $300,000 bail just before midnight Friday and was sprung from the L.A. County jail she called home for about 14 hours.
Lindsay was ordered back to jail Friday morning by Judge Elden Fox who stunned his courtroom by issuing a "no bail" ruling on Lohan.
But as reported last night, Lindsay's lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley filed an appeal and won. It was then just a matter of the paperwork catching up with the inmate.
The GOP's "Pledge to America," Obama said Saturday during his weekly radio address, promotes "the very same policies that led to the economic crisis in the first place."
"It is grounded in the same worn-out philosophy: cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires; cut the rules for Wall Street and the special interests; and cut the middle class loose to fend for itself," Obama said.
"That’s not a prescription for a better future. It’s an echo of a disastrous decade we can’t afford to relive."
Unveiled by House GOP leaders Thursday, the 21-page "Pledge" broadly outlines the Republicans' legislative plans for creating jobs, trimming deficits and reducing the size and scope of the federal government.
The document also aims to demonstrate to voters that Republicans — who are widely expected to take control of the House in November — are ready with a governing philosophy if those predictions ring true.
The Pledge, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Saturday in the Republicans' weekly radio address, "embodies Americans’ rejection of the notion that we can simply tax, borrow and spend our way to prosperity."
"It offers a new way forward that hasn’t been tried in Washington – an approach focused on cutting spending – which is sadly a new idea for a Congress accustomed to always accelerating it," McCarthy said.
There are more middle class people in the country than any other group. So his scheme to only cut taxes for people making $250,000 a year is meant to appeal to the vast majority of people in the United States.
There’s nothing clever about it. It’s a pure people grab. But, it doesn’t make any economic sense to cure the economy.
Obama thinks $250,000 is the starting line to to being considered rich. But, that’s totally dependent upon where a person lives. Making $250,000 in Mississippi is vastly different than earning it in New York or California, higher cost of living states.
Obama has a degree in political science and I’m not sure if he’s ever taken an economic course in his life.
He doesn’t want to understand that “rich people” are the ones who take the risk and start business. And middle class people, at least those that are about something, want to become rich someday.
That’s not a crime!
But, Obama thinks they need to be taken down a peg because they have too much money. He doesn’t understand when they go down; THE WHOLE COUNTRY goes down too.
What I do know is that he has a hatred for Capitalism and thinks that all rich people should spread their wealth. He’s a stone cold socialist and everyone in the country with a brain that works realizes it now and that’s why he’s sinking like a stone.
This is a very interesting exchange between George Bush Sr. and Ronald Reagan when they were running for the 1980 Republican nomination. Pay close attention to what Reagan says a the very end.
Bruce Springsteen has a song “I’m going down, down , down…”
President Obama should adopt it as his new theme song. I believe his approval ratings are really in the 30s but the Obama suck up media wouldn’t dare release those numbers so close to the mid-term elections.
Moreover, 56 percent of all Americans think the president has fallen short of their expectations. (More poll results)
The president's sagging poll numbers couldn't come at a worse time for congressional Democrats, themselves facing a nine-point deficit in the so-called "generic ballot" question heading into the midterm elections. In fact, the president's approval rating is the same as that of President Clinton's in 1994 – the midterm election year that saw Republicans wrest control of both the House and Senate.
But the company said Thursday it's unlikely any of the formula already sold is tainted, and doctors offered more reassurance: Even if babies drink bug-tainted formula, the chance for serious harm is slim.
"There's no reason for parents to panic," said Dr. Joseph Gigante, an associate professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. Symptoms might include a mild upset stomach, but he says that should last only a few days.
Still, parents like Stephanie Roseman of Farmington Hills, Mich., are upset. Her 3-month-old son seemed like he had a stomach ache this week after drinking formula from one of Abbott's recalled lots. So Roseman's switching to a rival formula.
"He was definitely fussy, and he's not a fussy kid at all," said Roseman, 33. "I wish they were a little more careful screening what's going into the formula."
North Chicago, Ill.-based Abbott voluntarily recalled 5 million cans and plastic containers of Similac powdered formula only as a precaution after small common beetles were found at its Sturgis, Mich., manufacturing plant, said company spokeswoman Kelly Morrison.
The bugs are a common warehouse beetle that were found near a production line late last week. Abbott immediately stopped production and then tested containers of formula from that line. Morrison said "99.8 percent of product was not contaminated."
"Chances are really, really remote" that beetle parts made it into formula that was sold to consumers, but the products were recalled just in case they might contain beetle parts or larvae, Morrison told The Associated Press. Similac is the top-selling infant formula in the United States.
"Seven hundred dollars a month for insurance is a lot of money. My choice is to find cheaper insurance or none. Can't wait until Election Day." Doug Gowland, New Yorker
It was widely reported that certain aspects of the new healthcare reform law went into effect on Thursday. Here in New York, a Greenwich Village resident got the shock of his life when he received a letter from his health insurance provider.
A Greenwich Village resident was socked with an eye-popping 25 percent increase in health premiums -- and his insurance company is slapping part of the blame on President Obama's health-care overhaul that took effect yesterday.
Doug Gowland's monthly bill will jump $140 -- from $565 to $705 -- under the hike, according to a letter he received from insurer EmblemHealth.
And the annual cost for the self-insured 62-year-old man's mostly bare-bones plan will increase $1,680 -- from $6,780 to $8,460.
In the notice, EmblemHealth told Gowland, who is healthy, "The proposed rate increase includes two components: a basic increase on your type plan and an increase due to the cost of enhanced benefits required by the new federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." A steamed Gowland, who works in real estate, said: "Seven hundred dollars a month for insurance is a lot of money. My choice is to find cheaper insurance or none. Can't wait until Election Day."
Cobert is a funny guy, but I can’t take him seriously. I’m sure his heart is in the right place. But, what the heck are the Dems on the Hill thinking?
And can we get something straight here?
A lot, not all of these migrant workers ARE ILLEGALS so they’re not supposed to have any rights accept the right to remain silent as they get deported. It’s not a hard concept to understand but it seems to escape Democrats.
Fox News reports that if Democratic leaders were trying to bring national attention to migrant farm labor by inviting comedian Stephen Colbert to a House panel hearing on Friday, they appear to have succeeded, but Colbert's performance didn't leave many lawmakers laughing. "There was no rational reason for him to be there," Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, told Fox News, adding that Colbert's joke-filled testimony didn't stick to the written testimony he had submitted Thursday night. Lawmakers expected him to summarize his points in five minutes, but he went longer -- and lacked substance, said King, a member of the panel.
"He went off on a comedy routine that he had written as a separate document and I think it's an insult to the time, an insult to the intelligence of the American people that Congress is conducting themselves in this fashion," King said.
Rep. Dan Lundgren, R-Calif., acknowledged to that he was thankful that Colbert's appearance brought publicity to an issue that Lundgren's been working on for 37 years:
"The contrast and comparison between unemployment of American citizens or nationals with the right to be in the U.S. and those here illegally."
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, writing on the White House blog, said Republicans “doubled down on the same ideas that hurt America’s middle class,” listing tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, tax hikes for the middle class, “cutting rules and oversight” for financial services, health care and oil, all while adding to the deficit.
Recessions are normal events of the business cycle. Under George W. Bush the unemployment rate got as low as 4.5% because his tax cuts created jobs. The Obama agenda kills'em.
Obama thinks the American people can't tell the difference. He's in for a rude awakening.