You can never trust a Liberal Democrat. Check that, they call themselves “Progressives” as if people can’t tell the difference. Dem pol from North Dakota, Earl Pomeroy, is shamelessly trying to save his ass by kissing up to George W. Bush.
Remember him?
He’s Barack Obama’s favorite excuse. But, Pomeroy is signing GWs praises.
ABC News' Amy Walter reports:
We’ve seen plenty of Democrats in tight races trying to distance themselves from President Obama. But one Democrat, North Dakota's Rep. Earl Pomeroy, is taking this a step farther by actually embracing President George W. Bush.
Pomeroy is locked in what’s shaping up to be the toughest contest of his 17-year House career. He faces GOP state Rep. Rick Berg.
Gateway Pundit says: You’ve just gotta love this. Democrats are now running to Bush to help them with their elections. Dem Rep. Earl Pomeroy, who voted with Pelosi 97% of the time, is now running a pro-Bush ad in North Dakota.
Democrats across the country are basically telling Obama, “Screw you, buddy! It’s every man for himself!”
Memeorandum Memeorandum
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