I didn’t know Key West has become such a Gay haven. They even have a Gay police chief and a Gay Chamber of Commerce.
Sounds like seggreagation to me.
The Daily Mail reports that over this Thanksgiving weekend, Key West's only lesbian-exclusive resort is going 'all welcome' for the first time.
The decision was made public around the same time Pearl's Rainbow resort was honored in October by Curve, the best-selling lesbian magazine, as the guesthouse that had the greatest impact on lesbian culture in the past 20 years.
Pearl's Rainbow's lesbian owner, Heather Carruthers, said it was a business decision based on tough economic realities and requests of some lesbian guests who would like to bring male family members or friends.
She said lesbians were being more accepted and felt more comfortable in the mainstream these days.
She said: 'They can hold hands wherever they want to. It's really the world we want to have. We don't necessarily want to be segregated.
But her 'all welcome' decision is not sitting well with all gay and lesbian businesses in the area.
Tinlin, who runs three of Key West's nine major all-men gay guesthouses, replied 'certainly not' when asked if he would be allowing women onto his premises.
He added: 'Our business is down because of the economy and BP oil spill, but it's very important for this destination to maintain its all-gay reputation.''
Idyllic setting: Miss Carruthers said Pearl's enjoyed initial popularity because of the guesthouse's central Key West location and relaxing amenities
Key West, with a population of around 25,000, has a gay police chief, gay president of the Rotary Club, more than 400 members of its gay chamber of commerce and several elected gay officials - including Miss Carruthers, a Monroe County commissioner.
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