The Pussies-R-Us Club will now take over the leadership of the House.
If you thought these leftover Republicans like Eric Camtor had the unabashed courage to stand up to the Obama agenda, this announcement today blows that thought out the water.
These feckless bastards haven’t even taken control of congress and they’re already caving in to keep parts of ObamaCare that quote “people like”.
So now we know what kind of leadership we having and I’ve been warning people since June that Eric Cantor, Mike Pence, and John Beohner are a bunch of punk-ass pussies that care more about pole testing than showing actual Reagan-like conservative leadership.
This is a very bad sign of things to come!
The Hill reports that House Republicans are looking to repeal the healthcare reform law and replace it with one of their own early next year without interrupting two popular parts the administration has already begun to implement.
They include a mandate that bars discrimination of pre-existing conditions and a stipulation that allows young people to remain on their parents' insurance plans until age 26.
Incoming Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Monday that they would do this by passing a GOP healthcare bill at the same time as repeal efforts are underway.
Speaking to more than 100 students at American University, Cantor said, "What you will see us do is to push for repeal of the healthcare bill, and at the same time, contemporaneously, submit our replacement bill, that has in it the provisions [barring discrimination due to pre-existing conditions and offering young people affordable care options]."
Cantor stressed that while he supports full repeal of the current law, Republicans share some of the same goals as Democrats, although they propose different ways of achieving them.
"We too don't want to accept any insurance company's denial of someone and coverage for that person because he or she may have pre-existing condition," Cantor said, addressing a young woman in the audience who noted that she had a pre-existing health condition.
More details here
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