I’ll say this about Jason Manford, he’s got character.
He’s man enough to come fully clean in front of the whole world. There aren’t many men today that would do that.
He’s got a very tough road ahead, but it’s doable to fix his life.
I may like to joke, but I have a new found respect for Mr. Manford. That’s a man right there!
The Sun reports a tearful telly host Jason Manford quit BBC1's The One Show last night after admitting internet sex sessions with 12 girl fans.
Manford, 29, said: "I have only myself to blame. I have never felt so low."
The comedian revealed he had betrayed his wife with steamy chats to 12 girls on Twitter and video calls on Skype.
He announced his decision to leave the 7pm BBC1 show in a statement, saying: "I have decided after careful consideration to stand back from The One Show to concentrate on my family."
The BBC said later: "We have got nothing to say except that we accept Jason's decision."
Bosses were considering whether to run material Jason had pre-recorded for Children In Need, which broadcasts tonight.
Speaking of his web shame, Jason told The Sun: "If I was reading this about someone else, I'd think, 'What an a***hole. How can he look at himself in the mirror?'"
He revealed he had spent hours in hotel rooms in conversation with scantily-clad female fans.
The Mancunian decided to own up three weeks before his wife Catherine is due to give birth to their third child. The couple have twin daughters aged one.
He said: "There were ten or 12 people flirting and then with a few it went over the line.
"We would start off flirty, then innuendo and then a bit saucy. They were the moments I thought, 'I shouldn't be saying that'.
"It was just nice to have some interaction I suppose. But the next morning I would wake up and think, 'F***. Oh my God'.
"I don't drink or do drugs, so it's not like I've those to blame - just my own stupidity."
Jason married long-term girlfriend Catherine last year. She is eight months pregnant.
He has made a full confession to her about his sex tweets to Debra McNamee, 22 - revealed by The Sun two weeks ago - and all the girls he has been online with.
Trying to make sense of his behaviour, he said tearfully: "I think it was because there was a danger to it. The fundamental thing is, I was a d***head. My wife has called me a d***head
"We have had a serious sit-down about it and agreed that what we've got is worth fighting for. She's fine and we're fine.
"The kids are fine. We've got another one in three weeks. She hasn't kicked me out.
"I held my hands up. I showed her all the messages. I said, 'This is what's happened' and she was disappointed. But the relationship we have is not about, 'Right, get out!' or 'You're on the couch'.
"I don't feel any less of a dad but I still feel I've let them down. I just hope they never find out. I hope we can move on.
More details here
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