Friday, April 16, 2010

Why the Tea Party Movement Scares Obama and the Democrats to Death: Ignorance Crashers

Here’s a heads up on how President Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, will deceive the American public with the help of his lackeys in the main stream media.

First, let me set down a truism.

President Obama knows the reason he and the Democrats fear the Tea Party movement so much is because they are the most informed people in the country that get their news from the new media such as blogs like this one, Fox News, the National Review, the Weekly Standard, the American Thinker and other sites for the nitty gritty of what’s going in America.

Obama and the Democrats focus their energy on Americans who don’t follow the news much if at all and are able to sway their opinion on simple headlines that are memorable in peoples minds, but are absolutely untrue.

For example, yesterday Obama attended a DNC fundraiser in Miami and the Hill reported the following:

[Obama also continued to try to make the case that a vote against financial regulatory reform is a vote on behalf of Wall Street and against Main Street.

"Every member of Congress is soon going to have to make a decision, but the choice is going to be very simple between special interests and the American people," Obama said.]

Notice the simple message: a vote against financial regulatory reform is a vote on behalf of Wall Street and against Main Street.

Wall Street = Evil greedy people that make too much money.

Main Street = Regular folks who are struggling, getting foreclosed on, or need health care.

Obama will beat Wall Street like a drum to give people the impression he’s fighting for them.

But, here’s the reality.

Wall Street raised more money for Barack Obama than they did for John McCain. Barack Obama was Wall Street’s candidate of choice.

This is how Barack Obama is a clever deceiver because he know he can get away with out right misrepresentations and not get called on it.

His target audience only believes the template he puts out and the sale is made.

However, this target audience is beginning to shrink because the Tea Party Movement is mounting a grassroots campaign just talking to their neighbors and showing them the light.

In other words, the Tea Partyers are being community organizers to inform the American people of the truth.

The Last Tradition

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