This case will end up getting tossed out because a private employer has every right to set rules on how an employee should dress.
It’s called a dress code!
This woman knew that going in and probably has an agenda to get attention and sympathy for Muslims.
Sorry sister, that won’t wash!
Daily Mail
A Muslim woman is taking Abercrombie & Fitch to court after she was allegedly fired from her job for wearing a religious headscarf.
The woman, who has not been named, claims bosses told her the hijab didn't fit with the firm's 'look policy' - even though she worked in the stockroom. She was employed for several months at a California branch of Hollister Co, a subsidiary of the Abercrombie clothing chain.
The company has become well-known for its controversial 'look policy', which provides strict guidelines governing how employees dress.
It stipulates that staff must represent 'a natural classic American style' and instructs them on everything from how to wear their hair (clean and natural) to how long they should wear their nails (a quarter of an inch past the end of the finger).
Her lawyers claim: 'She was told that her headscarf, though worn based on a religious mandate, was not in compliance with the company's "look policy".' Her contract was allegedly terminated in February 2010 after she refused to remove the hijab.
More here
Sounds like another frivolous lawsuit to me.
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