Unlike Liberal Left Wing media who protected Barack Obama by not vetting him like other past presidents, Chris Wallace asked a legitimate question that’s out there concerning how some view Michele Bachmann.
Bachmann handled the tough question deftly and increased in stature, in my opinion.
Let’s get real here! The whole reason President Obama is sitting in the White House is because the Main Stream Media acted like PR reps rather than true journalists.
And to some of my fellow conservative bloggers that took offense to the question, get a grip! We’re conservatives, we’re not afraid of tough questions because we got better ideas to fix this country.
So Wallace is a stand up guy and more professional that the Chris Matthews’s, Keith Olbermann’s and Rachel Maddow’s combined!
So let’s ease up on Chris for doing his job, and lets have more faith in our candidates to be able to handle the heat. We’re not like the other side who offers nothing but puff balls and rubs their candidate’s necks on interviews!
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