Here’s the other side of the story Think Progress omitted from a prior article in which they inferred Michelle Bachmann was for Gay Marriage.
Daily Mail
As New York approves gay marriage, Rep Michele Bachmann seems to have come out against it.
Perhaps fuelled by her popularity in the Iowa preference poll, the Republican presidential candidate today said she would issue a constitutional amendment that would see marriage between a man and a woman only.
The Minnesota congresswoman also said it was up to individual states to decide whether they allowed same-sex marriage.
'The states have the right to pass the laws they want to,' Bachmann told Fox News Sunday adding the issue should really be on the ballot so voters can decide whether gay marriage should be allowed nationwide.
'Every time it's going on the ballot, the people have decided to keep the traditional definition,' she said.
'After all, the family is the fundamental unit of government.'
It's not a contradiction to go after a federal amendment that would trump state law, she added and if she gets voted in next year that's what she'll do.
The amendment would require a two-thirds vote of Congress and ratification by three-quarters of the states.
'It's a high hurdle,' Bachmann said. 'We only have 27 amendments to the federal Constitution.'
Earlier in the conversation the Republican had talked of her 'titanium spine' in dealing with tough questions.
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