What a crock!
The Left never needs to worry about facts to sell their ideas. It’s always about a template that suits a particular agenda, namely homosexuals not being able to shout, “We’re here we’re queer, so why can’t I tell the world?”
But, facts are stubborn things and the facts are that a whopping majority of homosexual discharges under DADT were made by men just wanting to get our of the military without even being homosexuals at all.
AFA.net reports that according to National Review Online, there may be a whole lot of homosexuals who just got an unpleasant surprise. With the repeal of the law prohibiting homosexual service in the United States military, they just lost their “get out of jail free” card.
The hyperventilating out-of-the-mainstream media has been full of supposed stories of horrific discrimination against homosexuals in the military which they say resulted in many of the best and brightest getting ash-canned from the military through invidious witch-hunts.
However, the facts tell a much different story. And while facts have never troubled the left, let alone played a significant role in any single part of their worldview, these facts actually should be sobering for our pretty-in-pink wannabe soldiers.
It turns out - get this - that 85% of all homosexuals who got discharged on the basis of the law that prohibits open homosexual service in the armed services threw themselves out of the military.
This little factoid is not the fanciful production of AFA or FRC. It comes straight from the Pentagon itself.
In other words, these gay soldiers didn’t get outed by some snitch. They outed themselves. They went to their commanding officer and said, I’m gay, get me out of here.
According to the Pentagon, “approximately 85% of discharges for homosexual conduct have been made on the basis of statements by the Service member.”
And even more distressing for our would-be limp-wristed enlistees, the Pentagon adds helpfully that “approximately 25% of these discharges have occurred in the first four months of a Service member’s service.”
In other words, homosexuals - or people who suddenly discovered latent homosexual tendencies when they could use it to parachute out of the military - signed up for the all-volunteer army, got a few weeks into basic and said, forget this noise. I’m outtahere.
All they had to do was admit they were gay - whether they were or not - and they got their walking papers along with an honorable discharge.
And don’t think for a moment that straight soldiers didn’t perjure themselves - claiming they were gay when they weren’t - just to go back home to Momma.
According to NRO:
As one Col. Om Prakash put it in a 2009 report for the U.S. War College, one possible explanation for the rise of discharges for homosexuality observed after DADT was that “given the recent reduction in stigma associated with homosexuality in society at large, simply declaring one is homosexual, whether true or not, is the fastest way to avoid further military commitment and receive an honorable discharge.”
Well, all that’s gone now, both for gays and straights willing to tell odious lies about themselves. If a homosexual signs up now, he’s stuck with the whole magilla. Go to your superior officer now and say, hey, I’m a flaming homosexual, I hate the army, let me out of here, the superior officer will say, tough darts, those days are gone. You’re stuck with us now, Nancy-boy.
So, who’s sorry now?
More details here
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