Liberals are ignorant of the constitution because they’ve never read it or if they have they utterly ignore it as is the case with Ezra Klein.
He’s is not alone!
President Barack Obama views the constitution as a document of “negative rights’. Basically, Liberals, who by the way feel the need to call themselves Progressives to fool the public, have a disdain for our founding document because it is a hindrance to them and their “big government” is the answer to everything ways.
Because of Liberals, 50 million abortions have been performed in this country since 1973.
Because of Liberals there are more pot shops than Starbucks on street corners of California.
Because of Liberals we no longer have prayer in the public schools and look how much the education has declined.
Because of Liberals there are more Planned Parenthood centers in African American neighborhoods than any other group. Do you think that’s really a coincidence?
This is only a snippet of the ills of Liberalism that doesn’t believe in the values that has founded this nation. They do much more harm than good and are never held to account for the damage they inflict because it’s always done under the banner of “fairness” and “social justice”.
Break out the box and think for yourself!
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