Cubachi reports that Conservatives, tea partiers, and republicans have worked diligently and effectively to give the republican party its larget house win in years.
We now get an extension of the Bush tax cuts for two years, and funemployment… I mean unemployment checks for 13 months. So the unemployed will have more fun collecting money from those of us in the productive sector. Has the republican leadership in the House put up a fight?
Representative Michele Bachmann and Senator Jim DeMint have voiced their concerns about this deal, while DeMint has come outright against the deal. The Tea Party leader of the House caucus said leadership hasn’t informed her nor the members of the details of this deal. And she said the GOP leadership should have thought about not supporting a deal that will attach more spending in unemployment benefits.
“I think we’re back in a conundrum. I think the compromise would be extending the rates for two years and not permanently, but not tying it to massive spending. We cannot add on something like a year of unemployment benefits.
Tying it to massive spending is something that would be very difficult for members to swallow.”
Michele Bachmann was on Mark Levin’s show explaining the deal, which you can listen to via The Right Scoop. She claims Obama lied in that press conference today. A must listen! She has not come outright against it, but is worried about the implications to our soaring debt.
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