We have ignorant Americans, er…check that, Liberals who have adopted Islam as the chic religion that needs to be fought for and protected without having a clue what Islam really is.
For instance, Islam treats women very badly in all parts of the world and our valiant Left Wing women’s rights groups like Now pay absolutely no attention to the plight of these suffering women.
In the Sudan, they flog women in the streets for violating Sharia, the system of laws that is part and parcel of the Muslim faith. Currently in the United States, Liberals are waging a clever propaganda campaign shielding the true nature of Sharia as being a benign aspect of Islam.
Sharia courts have existed in the UK since the mid 80s and the result has been the near Islamification of that country as well as other European countries.
But thanks to freedom loving citizens like blogger Juhad Watch, there are some watchful Americans dispensing the truth about Sharia and Islam.
BBC News reports that the north of Sudan will reinforce its Islamic laws if the south secedes as a result of next month's referendum, President Omar al-Bashir has said.
Mr Bashir said the constitution would then be changed, making Islam the only religion, Sharia the only law and Arabic the only official language.
Correspondents say his comments are likely to alarm thousands of non-Muslim southerners living in the north.
They are currently protected from some of the stronger aspects of Sharia.
"If south Sudan secedes, we will change the constitution," Mr Bashir told a gathering of his supporters in the eastern town of Gederef on Sunday.
"Sharia and Islam will be the main source for the constitution, Islam the official religion and Arabic the official language," the president added.
The imposition of Sharia on the non-Muslim south was one of the reasons for the long civil war, which ended when a peace deal was signed in 2005, the BBC's James Copnall in Khartoum reports.
Under the accord, an interim constitution was drafted that removed Sharia law from the south and also recognised Sudan's cultural and social diversity, our correspondent says.
President Bashir said on Sunday there would be no question of this diversity when a new constitution was drafted, if the south became independent
Senior northern officials are just starting to acknowledge publicly that South Sudan - where most people follow traditional beliefs and Christianity - are almost certain to choose to separate in the referendum.
Separately, Mr Bashir also commented on a recent high-profile case in which a video posted on the internet showed a woman being flogged by police in the north.
"If she is lashed according to Sharia law, there is no investigation. Why are some people ashamed? This is Sharia," the president said.
Human rights activists have accused the police of treating the woman in a particularly brutal way not compatible with Islam.
Video and story provided by Jihad Watch
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