I’m sure Barney Frank is tickled pink with the repeal of DADT.
After all his potential dating pool has increased exponentially among the military. But, in this video look how Frank avoids answering a legitimate concern of straight military men having to shower with homosexual soldiers.
Video from CNS News
If it’s not okay for straight men to shower with women to avoid sexual conduct, then by the same reasoning there has to be a problem with homosexuals showering with straight men. This is a new problem that needs more of a resolution than Congressman Frank is cavalierly dismissing off hand. Asking him this question is like asking a coyote which side of the chicken coop does he want to sleep in.
Video from CNS News
If it’s not okay for straight men to shower with women to avoid sexual conduct, then by the same reasoning there has to be a problem with homosexuals showering with straight men. This is a new problem that needs more of a resolution than Congressman Frank is cavalierly dismissing off hand. Asking him this question is like asking a coyote which side of the chicken coop does he want to sleep in.
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