Thursday, October 7, 2010

112 pound model (Natasha Price) told she’s too fat in the UK

Now I’m not a fashionista, but a 112 pound woman needs to be 2 feet tall to be considered fat in my book.

Natasha Price is 5’9”!

Lord, can you give me a break?

Information point for American readers: 1 stone is equal to 14 pounds.

The Sun reports that a model was told she was too fat for the catwalk - despite weighing just EIGHT stone.

Natasha Price was instructed by ruthless fashion bosses to lose a stone from her slim size 8 figure.

Natasha, 22, who has modelled for Selfridges and Marks & Spencer, was also told she would never make it on the catwalk - because she has boobs.

She said: "There is so much pressure to be thin. You have to be mentally and physically strong.

"I'm 5ft 9ins, a size 8 and I was eight stone - yet they would still have liked me to be thinner."

More details here

As a lover of the more hefty women, as demonstrated by my Bikini Fridays, can we cut Natasha some slack?

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