Looks like a 37% approval rating is rearing its ugly head on the campaign trail.
Democrats are about to face a “thumpin” on Tuesday as Americans around the country get to voice their this displeasure with the Obama presidency.
Let no Dem spinmeister fool you. This election is a referendum on Barack Obama’s Far Left policies. Americans don’t want their country converted into a European Welfare state, despite what Barack Obama thinks.
The man is fraud who tried to pass himself as a centrist, with the help of a corrupt media that has also been exposed for the whores that they truly are.
November 2, 2010, comes judgment day for the Democrat Party, and it won’t be pretty.
The Hill reports that the arena where President Obama and Vice President Biden are making their final appeal to Democrats to get out and vote in Tuesday's midterm elections was far from capacity Sunday afternoon.The crowd estimate stands at 8,000 in the arena that seats just over 13,000 and a couple thousand empty seats are visible above the stage where Obama and Biden rallied supporters.
More details here
Payback is definitely a bitch!
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