Don’t jump!
The Huffington Post, Think Progress, and Media Matters readers are beside themselves with the news that the brilliant conservative blogger, Andrew Breitbart, is taking a spot away from a fellow Leftist Looney Bird on the ABC network.
Look at’em, their veins are pooping out. They can’t find their Valum, and their Cappuccino machine is on the fritz
Andrew Breitbart on ABC?
The Huffington Post reports Media Matters confirms that ABC News has recruited Andrew Breitbart, the conservative blogger whose out-of-context video footage of Shirley Sherrod got the Agriculture Department official , to provide commentary for the network's election-night newscast.
The news was first reported by Breitbart's own website, BigJournalism, whose editor Dana Loesch is on tap to provide live analysis in the ABC News studio on Election Night. Breitbart is slated appear live from a town hall meeting anchored by ABC's David Muir and Facebook consumer marketing head Randi Zuckerberg.
ABC News spokesman David Ford told Media Matters -- which, in the wake of Sherrod's firing, unveiled a video entitled "The End of Andrew Breitbart's Credibility", and which maintains detailed files on him -- that Breitbart will not have license to lie during the broadcast. "He will be one of many voices on our air, including Bill Adair of Politifact," Ford said.
"If Andrew Breitbart says something that is incorrect, we have other voices to call him on it."
More details here
The Left still hasn't recoverd from Andrew Breitbart's shrewd use of a video taken out of context. You see, it's the Left's favorite tactic to use video or audio out-of-context a a basis for their attacks.
But, Andrew gave'em a taste ot their own medicine and they didn't like it. Breitbart RULRS!!!
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