As we close on 2009, the magical aura of President Barack Obama is a faded memory. It all started with so much promise on Inauguration Day where millions of people we’re duped into believing an historic event, the election of Barck Obama as the first Black president, was in itself worthy of voting for him.
“This is history!” they all proclaimed.
That seems to be the only selling point Liberals have to sell. Unfortunately, for millions of the “duh-crowd”, that was enough of an incentive.
But, did it ever occur to anyone that “history” can be either “good” or “bad”. Or is it too much to ask people to think beyond slogans?
We’re hearing the same rhetoric about ObamaCare—it’s historic legislation. But, please ignore the increase in insurance premiums, the rationing of care, and when you do get care, it will be inadequate and many will die that did not die before.
How else do you think Democrats will cut costs?
Yes, we have an historic president and terrorists still want to kill us.
Yes, we have an historic president that never ran a business or a state, or even a rinky dink village, and it shows with each passing day. Obama is good at posing as a president, but not governing like one.
Yes, we have an historic president that thinks it’s better to apologize for America's past without acknowledging her glory.
Yes, we have an historic president that promises transparency only to operate behind closed doors under the cover of deceit to buy votes.
Yes, we have an historic president, but is that helping people pay the bills?
So what has history gotten us?
More terrorists attacks than under President Bush!
National pride down the drain!
10% Unemployment!
Mortgage defaults increasing and foreclosure on the rise!
National Debt that our great great great grandchildren will have to pay back!
There isn’t an abortion procedure that Obama doesn’t like.
There are published reports that our beloved Rush Limbaugh was taken to a hospital with complaints of chest pains. Rush was vacationing in Hawaii at the time of this incident and not much is known at this time other than reports are that he’s listed in serious condition.
In light of a bomb hidden in a terrorist’s underwear, an incompatant Homeland Security secretary yelling that “All is well!” , a signing of a bankrupting health care bill by the Democrat-controlled seanate, and a Tiger out of control in a sex-harem of his own making, there sits the 2010 U.S. Census with President Obama’s golf-caloused hands holding a pencil.
Before the Stimulus bill was made into law, before Cap and Trade was passed in the House, and before Obama’s poll numbers thankfully began to tumble, in February of 2009, the Census Bureau was moved from the umbrella of the United States Commerce Department to the White House to rest right under President Obama’s nose.
Republicans raised a fuss for awhile and complained about a government power grab, but all that faded into the whisks of time.
Just the way Obama wanted it to happen!
Well, it’s time to raise a fuss again.
Having seen what the Obama administration has done thus far with phony promises of transparency only to end up as lies behind closed doors, Obama cannot be trusted to act honorably.
I suspect the president has some more fancy tricks up his sleeve like certain Republicans districts vanishing into thin air with the help of his trusty eraser with Saul Alinsky’s picture on it.
And lookie here!
Where did all these new Democrat voters come from? Look to the south, my friends.
The bulk of Obama supporters are not stupid people, but rather ignorant folks that don't follow the matters of state. Democrats take advantage of this American ignorance because it fits right into their plans.
A friend once told me, “You watch too much Fox News!”
I thought it was a very sad comment to make because what it represented.
“I watch Fox because they honestly report what’s going on in the world, AND they’re the only news organization with journalistic integrity, unlike the others in the mainstream media who have sold out theirs.”
But, my friend just shrugged his shoulders and give me a very strong impression that he thought that I was the foolish one.
My friend isn’t stupid.
In fact, he’s a very nice man that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. However, when it comes to a world view, he’s totally accepted the manipulative templates that Liberals put out to control public thought.
• Rich people are evil and greedy • Abortion is not killing the unborn, but rather Women’s Reproductive Rights • If you’re against Gay Marriage, you’re a Homophobe or believe that homosexuals should be second-class citizens • Oil is dirty energy • Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant • Republicans are racists • If you’re critical of President Obama, it’s because he’s Black
There are dozens if not maybe hundreds of these simple templates that Liberal/Democrats put out through their willing sycophants in the media and more importantly through the public school system.
These templates are intended for the consumption of people who do not think deeply about the affairs of state because they’re too busy living out their day to day lives. The Democrats know this and this is intentionally done to keep people in a mindcontrol that benefits the Liberal agenda.
Do you ever hear Liberals complain about lower graduation rates?
Of course not!
But, you do hear them whine that teachers need to make more money without any merit standards attached. And you also hear them gripe about Charter schools despite the fact that they outperform public schools time after time.
Why are they against Charter schools?
Democrats say that public money should not be diverted to Charter schools in detriment to the public schools system without fixing the problems that ails public education.
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
The truth is that Teachers Unions contribute heavy into the coffers of the Democrat Party and as such they want to keep the status quo of inferior education.
However, more insidiously than that, Democrats don’t want better education for America’s school kids because that would threaten their necessity to keep the people just ignorant enough to swallow their false templates and maintain power over government and the people’s minds.
Thank God that home-schooling, private, and parochial education still provide America’s children with a needed alternative to the Liberals final solution to keep the people in the dark.
Nonetheless, the light still has to shine for those that are still in darkness. America's future is at stake and the better educated we are, the better to see the wolf.
Sean Bell got shot trying to protect a frail old woman from being mugged on the subway.
Wait a minute, that’s not what happened.
Okay, how about this?
Sean Bell got gunned down trying to save a blind little boy from being kidnapped by a notorious and vile pedophile.
No wait, that didn’t happen either.
How about this?
Sean Bell got slain for trying to protect a stranger from being set on fire by a disreputable street gang.
By now you probably already know that neither of these things actually happened. However, each one of those scenarios would have been well deserving of receiving the high honor of having a street renamed in your memory for performing an unselfish and heroic act to safeguard his fellow man.
There is no greater love than giving one’s life for someone else, right?
Nevertheless, the New York City Council voted on a resolution to have a small stretch of a Queens street renamed after Sean Bell for attempting to run over New York City cops with his car while driving drunk.
Of course, the picture the Left paints of Sean Bell is quite different. To them, he was an innocent Black man that was tragically assassinated in a hail of 50 bullets by racist NYPD police in the early morning hours of his wedding day. That’s all the Left needed to perpetuate another fraud in their long line of frauds upon the public and imbued a common street thug into an angel of light.
The fact that Bell was twice arrested for dealing crack cocaine and weapons possession was society’s fault, not his.
That fact that Sean Bell’s companions were quite familiar with the criminal justice system along with Bell himself was truly an inconvenient truth.
The bitter reality was that Sean Bell was a thug that was hanging with his fellow thug friends at a seedy strip joint getting sloshed on Hennessey and enjoying lap dances galore before he took the plunge into matrimony that was only hours away from fruition.
But, we dare not say that young Bell acted stupidly for trying to use his motor vehicle as a deadly weapon, and got clipped for his trouble by public servants in the performance of their duties.
Is the Black community so bereft of legitimate heroes that White Liberal politicians think that Sean Bell is the best they can offer? Or is this yet another cynical bone being thrown to Black folks by theses same Lib pols to fool the public come re-election time and hide the broken promises they’ve made year after year?
Sean Bell died a thug’s death!
Let’s make him a hero and name a street after him. And don’t forget to give me your vote, because you know I really care.
You know I think it’s disgusting that Rachel Maddow (The Karate Kid) used footage of Christians engaged in prayer to base her political commentary.
They (Liberals) really have no limit to the depths that they are willing to sink to inform the mindless dolts who follow them in the first place.
However, on further reflection, I cannot totally put blame on Leftist like Maddow, or Chris Matthews or even Keith Olberman for they do not know what they do.
Several years ago, Ann Coulter wrote a terrific book entitled, Godless, in which the Left went ballistic over a single chapter dealing with the so-called 911 widows.
However, the overall premises of the book, namely that Liberals are ungodly folks who pay only lip service to a belief in one true God. And when they do, its really for appearance sake so they can continue living lives of moral relativism which actually means by no morality except for standards they make up as they go along.
You know, things like climate change or closing Gitmo.
They didn’t give a hoot that Coulter was labeling them as “Godless” because she had them pegged for what they truly are.
And they didn’t care enough or knew enough to be offended. Ironically, this from a people that never miss an opportunity to be offended by anything.
So, on a certain level, I can’t hold the ignorant responsible for something that they’re totally ignorant about, such as the power of prayer.
However, I will say that Maddow has surpassed even Harry Reid’s slavery comments by offering a critique of prayers to score cheap and loathsome political points.
Nonetheless, ridicule is the only method Maddow employs on a regular basis which would explain her miniscule ratings.
But, if by some strange miracle, Rachel Maddow comes across this blog, let me say this.
Prayer is how we Christians have a conversation with God. We believe in a Creator God with all our hearts. We are not ashamed of this despite that amount of times you may show footage on MSNBC of Christians praying in Jesus name. In fact, we’ll even pray for you, Rachel Maddow, because no one is beyond Christ's redemptive power—not even godless Liberals.
Being born in Manhattan, and living the first 10 years of my life in the projects, my political persuasion was to be set in stone-Democrat.
However, my parents, who wanted better for their family, brought a house in Queens. It was like moving to a new country of driveways and backyards.
I was trilled!
When I got to high school, I met this guy named Bobby Greene. He was an Irish kid, good basketball, and a Yankees fan. Even though I was a Mets fan, we became good friends. Bobby would always come to class with a copy of the New York Post. I read the Daily News.
“Why do you read that,” he said one day.
“For the sports,” I replied.
“That’s the only section you read?”
“Yeah why?”
“The News is Liberal, and they lie all the time. The Post is Conservative. You need to read the Post.”
So began my introduction at age 15 to the Opinion section of the paper and the difference between Liberal and Conservative. The funny thing was that I already agreed much more with Conservative thoughts than Liberal. So I was leaning in that direction.
1979-Iran Hostage Crisis.
When Iranian students took American hostages, it was a very tense affair in my high school. Some Middle Eastern looking students got beat up.
I remembered a movie I saw called Raid on Entebbe or something to that effect, about how the Israelis successfully rescued over 100 hostages that were held in Uganda by PLO terrorists.
Me and Bobby both thought that if a small country like Israel can pull off that kind of operation, surely the greatest military (United States) in the history can do likewise.
Israel waited no more than 3 or 4 days before they mounted a rescue.
The United States?
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8….
“What the fucks wrong with Jimmy Carter?” I angrily asked Bobby.
“He’s a pussy! Dems are all like that.” he barked.
It was a very low time for the country. As Americans we felt so ashamed that a rag tag bunch of towelheads held us hostage for 444 days.
Then I saw Ronald Reagan once on the tube and I liked how he talked. At 17, I didn’t understand everything he said, but he projected a strength the country desperately needed.
One day, on my way to school, I saw this big billboard with a picture of Ayatollah Khomeini with a caption that read:
It’s funny how the The Left is living in a state of denial as to why Obama’s numbers are tanking.
The reason why Obama’s numbers are nose diving is because Americans are finally seeing that Obama is a mirage of a president perpetuated by lovesick media that intentionally misreported what he really is—a radical Leftist.
Keep being yourself, Barack!
You’re the best thing to happen to Conservatism since Jimmy Carter.
Earlier this year North Korea snatched two American journalists on the Chinese border, put them on trial for espionage, fired test missiles over Japan and eventually got President Obama to appease them with bi-lateral talks.
Iran recently grabbed 3 American hikers on the Iraq border, announced that they will be put on trial for espionage, and fired test missiles this morning capable or reaching Israel and parts of Europe.
What is President Obama doing?
He’s taking a break from getting the senate to pass his bank-breaking Health Care bill to fly to Copenhagen for the International Shakedown Summit masquerading as a Climate Conference in which Liberal elites are trying to extort reparations from rich countries to poor countries for the crime of becoming industrialized.
Gordon Cucullu wrote, “The lesson is now clear to America's enemies: Just push a little, and Obama will give you all you want.”
Ralph Peters also has a nice way of expressing how inept President Obama is when dealing with America’s enemies. Oh sure he likes using Predator Drones in Pakistan to kill man-made disaster makers (formerly known as Terrorists). But, those are low risk actions. Well, low risk except for the innocent people that get killed in the process that the media ignores.
Yes, Obama believes in using “soft power”. However, Iran see that as weakness and is acting accordingly just like their friends in North Korea.
Remember that line from the movie, Animal House, about committing a really futile gesture?
That’s what I feel like a week after senate majority leader Harry Reid made his outlandish comments about Republicans wanting to stop ObamaCare and Slavery, after doing a Youtube search hoping to find a Republican, any Republican, willing to set the record straight.
I know Mitch McConnell and the other Republicans senators have their hands full offering up amendments highlighting the problems with the healthcare bill the Dems are trying to shove down America’s throat.
I get that.
However, Reid’s comments must be answered by somebody either on the Senate or House specifically refuting the fallacious history of the Democrat party, the original enslavers of Black people and the history of Democrats dragging their collective feet on every Civil Rights bill.
Being offended by Reid’s comments is unacceptable. The GOP has to be more than offended. They have to proactively and categorically set the matter clean.
Democrats were the party of Slavery.
Democrats were the party of Segregation.
And Democrats are the party of Socialism.
I urge all my fellow bloggers to post your own storues about this issue because the Republican party for far too long has allowed he Dems to continue this hogwash for over 40 years.
Until then I post any video from anyone willing to set the record straight as futile as it may be.
I wasn’t going to write anything about Tiger Woods because what he’s going through does not fall into what this blog is all about. However, I came across this article posted on AOL and found it to be a fascinating example of the things that I’ve written about concerning how Black people are socialized into “thinking a certain way” and “being a certain way”.
If anyone dares to “think” or “be” outside what is considered to be “the norm” of the Black community, they face intense ridicule, social shame and outright shunning from other Blacks.
This is what’s happening to Tiger and this column explains why:
Where Are Tiger's 'Cablinasian' Backers?
By Terence Moore, a national columnist for FanHouse
The revelations went from every day to every hour after Eldrick Tont Woods slammed his Escalade into that fire hydrant and tree during Thanksgiving Weekend. Now there isn't a nanosecond that passes without something else happening in the suddenly endless soap opera called As The Tiger Goes From Roaring to Purring.
This feels like that O.J. thing.
Not only that, the coverage of Michael Vick's dogfighting issues was in the vicinity of white Broncos, bloody gloves and Johnny Cochran.
To a lesser extent, there were those controversies for the Keeping It Real King named Allen Iverson, otherwise known as A.I., or The Answer, or just plain trouble, especially since he wasn't practicing. There also was that other initials guy, T.O., and his messes, combined with those of other NFL knuckleheads of yore, ranging from Randy Moss to Chad Whatever He Wishes To Be Called These Days.
Here's my point: During the early and intense stretches when the media continued to spend every news cycle exposing the personal flaws of O.J., Vick, Iverson and the rest, there was a different response inside the African-American community to those athletes who happen to be black compared to its response to Woods who happens to be, well, I'll get to that in a moment.
Those other athletes had one of the world's most supportive casts. They had an overwhelming number of folks in the African-American community standing firmly and loudly behind them -- no matter what. They had Jesse and Al waiting to pounce in the background, if they hadn't done so already. They had black ministers across the country asking for special prayers in their name. They had folks in barbershops throughout African-American communities talking about conspiracies.
Mostly, despite everything those in black America had seen or heard about the events surrounding O.J., Vick, Iverson and the rest, they had unconditional love.
For Woods, not so much.
Actually, not at all, and Woods has nobody to blame but Woods.
It goes back to April 1997 when he famously took a nine-iron to the face of blacks by telling Oprah Winfrey on her couch that he wasn't black. He said he wasn't white, either. He said, given that his father is black and that his mother is Asian, he spent his youth inventing a word for himself called "Cablinasian."
Just like that, in the hearts of many African-Americans, Woods was on his own. They still cherished his splendid journey in search of becoming more prolific than Bobby Jones, Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus. That's because they still viewed Tiger as black, whether he liked it or not. It's just that, despite O.J. and Bonds, for instance, who joined Woods in having mixed marriages to the chagrin of some, and despite O.J. and Bonds going to extremes to project colorless images throughout their careers, they never pushed away their African-American heritage in a dramatic way.
Tiger did. In fact, he did so by mentioning that Cablinasian silliness with his black father smiling by his side on national television.
I was among a slew of African-Americans who weren't amused back then, and I wrote as much as a sports columnist for the Atlanta Journal-Journal Constitution. The headline said everything you need to know about the tone of my column: "Wake up, Tiger. This is America and that means you're black."
Needless to say, television and radio airways sizzled over my Tiger comments deep in the heart of Dixie. This was before e-mail became popular, so the newspaper was flooded with phone messages, letters and faxes.
In the midst of it all, I got a call at home from Chicago.
Somebody named "Oprah" was on the other line.
"Yes, this really is Oprah," said THAT Oprah, adding that she was a frequent reader of my column. She wanted me to appear on her show the following week to discuss, not only what I wrote about Tiger's "Cablinasian" statement, but about Fuzzy Zoeller's remarks after Woods won the first of his four Masters that spring. Let's just say that Zoeller wasn't exactly gracious after he bombed in Augusta, Ga., back then while the upstart Woods crushed his competition.
As Zoeller headed for the clubhouse, somebody asked his opinion of Tiger's rout. "He's doing quite well, pretty impressive," Zoeller said. "That little boy is driving well, and he's putting well. He's doing everything it takes to win."
Then Zoeller thought about the Master's Club Championship Dinner that features the previous year's winner selecting the menu. Zoeller said, "So you know what you guys do when (Woods) gets in here? You pat him on the back and say congratulations and enjoy it and tell him not to serve fried chicken next year. Got it?"
Afterward, Zoeller smirked, snapped his fingers and added while walking away from the cameras, "Or collard greens or whatever the hell they serve."
To translate: Zoeller thought Woods was black -- you know, whether Woods liked it or not, and that's what I said on Oprah's show. In addition, I repeated what I wrote for the Atlanta newspaper, "Tiger Woods is fooling himself to think that just because he's Tiger Woods, he has transcended everything else in society. This is the real world, and in the real world of America, the one-drop rule still applies.
Tiger Woods committed the “social crime” as far as the Black Community is concerned, of wanting to define himself as he sees fit.
Isn’t this a free country?
Not in the Black community where mind-slavery is alive and well and continuous to thrive thanks to the enablers within and outside “the Hood” that continue to crack mental whips.
At times like these, I’m happy that my son is a grown man. He’s mature enough to judge for himself just how absurd the world is becoming.
But, what about the parents of today that have to explain to their children why Barack Obama was given an Nobel Peace prize he did not earn. Of course that would assume that kids today are being raised the same way I was in which you had to earn what you get.
Today, our kids are not allowed to play the kind of games I played when I was a little boy like Tag or Dodge Ball because some Liberal egghead had a so-called brilliant notion that it would be harmful to kids’ self-esteem if they were tossed from a game and not able to experience winning.
I got tagged out or hit by the ball and forced to exist the game. Sure, it felt bad, sometimes I wept for awhile, but I was out there the very next day doing my best. And sometimes, I was next to the last boy standing.
I was so proud for my achievement.
In other words, my self-esteem was allowed to develop based on my own merit without any input from some intellectual elitist setting the rules for me.
But, that’s the world we live in today.
Five Norwegian intellectuals thought Barack Obama was deserving of the Nobel Peace prize even though he was only in office twelve days when the nominations were submitted. Now the media is doing contortions trying to justify his receiving the award. They’re calling it an award based on aspirations or more specifically on what they hope the Obama presidency can accomplish in the future.
In that line of thinking, I would urge somebody reading this post to write a letter on my behalf to the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Science and tell them to award me the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay this coming Spring.
Mind you I haven’t finished writing it. It’s 78 pages long,. I’ve been working on it for two and a half years off and on. It’s a Western about a Black deputy marshal (hopefully Denzel Washington) and a White cattle baron (hopefully Russell Crowe) on a trek to find a kidnapped girl.
My aspiration is for this screenplay to become the greatest Western movie ever produced surpassing The Searches, High Noon, Shane, and the Magnificent Seven.
So, I expect a phone in the next few months that the Oscar is in the bag. And if I don’t win it, then President Obana needs to return his award.
I’ve been reading about some polls in which some so-called Tea Party candidates beat out Republicans candidates. Although this may be cause for great excitement within the Tea Party movement, it would be a serious mistake to think a TP candidate can win general elections.
As much as I’m dissatisfied with the ineffectiveness and the lack of guts demonstrated by the current GOP roster, running out of the party and setting up a new political shop is extremely unwise and Ronald Reagan said as much over 30 years ago when he said, “ What is needed is a new revitalized Republican Party.”
Therefore, I urge all TP members to set your sights on taking over the GOP. Keep the pressure on and expand the movement.
Currently, the Republicans in Washington are a bunch of lackluster, politically correct, do-nothings. Although they go through the motions, they are too focus-group conscious to stick their necks out and demonstrate real political courage.
For example, when Harry Reid predictably and shamelessly pulled the Race Card on the senate floor to sell ObamaCare, all the Republicans did was to robotically feign outrage at Reid’s comments. But no Republican, to my knowledge, bothered to categorically refute Reid’s accusation that Republicans were responsible for prolonging slavery and stopping the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
If the Republicans in Washington are so bound up by PC demons, or they lack the will and the nerve to defend themselves in the face of outright falsehoods when the actual facts are on their side, then they do themselves and the citizens they represent a great disservice and its high time for them to be replaced by fighters like those in the TP movement who are not afraid to fight the good fight!
Tea Party members, go clean the house that’s already built.
Of course true to past preactice Harry misrepresent the history of his own party in which they were the original enslavers of Black people and it was the Democrats themselves who dragged their feet to free the slaves in the 19th century, and again 1964 Civil Rights Act.
The problem here is the GOP lacks the guts to set the record straight. Maybe Sarah Palin has the balls to say what needs to be said?
Barack Obama was convinced or coerced into running for president. Today we see the effects of his lack of experience.
As hard as I have been on Barack Obama, I do find the man likable and would probably be friends with the guy if I ever met him.
Politics ain’t bean bag as the saying goes.
But I have to say again, Obama is just a vessel to carry out the Liberal agenda. He could be a unsuspecting pawn instead of the true center of real power. Somehow somebody put stars in his eyes, a seduction into a reality very few people can be a part of. And if this is true, Obama can be in great danger from the same forces that swept him into office.
As the United States continues to suffer from 10% unemployment, President and Community Organizer Barack Obama thought is was a good idea to have a Jobs Summit at the White House.
I’m sure the millions of people who are out of work are desperately waiting for the wisdom of the Obama-Elite to come up with breakthrough ideas to get America back to work.
Don’t hold your breath folks!
These bunch of clowns know as much about what really creates new jobs as Lady Gaga knows about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
“The Kauffman study posits a symbiotic relationship between those well-established firms and the younger ones. As the new firms succeed, the older firms ape their innovations or acquire them. And on it goes, an endless process of creation and destruction that -- as long as entrepreneurial spirits run high -- nets out as new jobs. “
Trouble is, the majority of the people that attended the event were Leftists from the academic and labor world who only know how to re-distribute capital value instead of creating it. Or, in other words, the blind was leading the blind into Utopian collectivism.
What’s really amusing is how the Step-N-Fetch media portrayed the meeting as a proactive affair by a president with the intellectual firepower to find the right answers.
Please pass the barf bag?
The Obama Presidency has descended into reality TV status in which you have a man that looks and acts the part without any direction or script to follow. Everything on display are a bunch of staged contrivances to give the appearance of actual drama; such as the photo op at Dover with Obama saluting flagged draped caskets, speech at West Point to announce the escalation of the war, Obama announcing that the America Medical Association gave their blessing to ObamaCare and everyone was given a white lab coat to wear.
Do you see the manipulation here?
Alas, they say the cream always rises to the top. But, in Barack’s case his cream is sinking to the bottom.
I kinda felt sorry for all those cadets that were used as stage props for President Obama’s vocalization to announce his own version of a “troop surge”.
At one point I began to yawn and I said to myself, “Is this Barack Obama speaking?” Then it occurred to that I heard that phrase or this phrase before in other speeches. If Barack Obama was told that for his next oratory display, he wasn’t allowed to say anything that he’s already said before, I think the man would probably stare at a blank teleprompter screen in silence.
Last night’s effort was an outright snooze-fest given by a man who was arrogant enough to think he had the wherewithal to explain to America why we needed to escalate the war in Afghanistan.
He thinks the American people are a bunch of dolts. On second thought, that would describe the people who voted for him.
I don’t need no stinking explanation as to why we needed to send more troops. I knew it back in August when Gen Mckristol felt it was necessary to win the war. It was the president who has been dithering since then.
Because Barack Obama knows as much about war and the military as Keith Olberman knows about integrity and journalism. He’s heart is in ObamaCara and Cap & Trade and everything else is an inconvenient truth.
And did you notice that Obama did not mention the word “victory” once. How can you have a mission let alond a war with the idea of victory not being part of the equation? But, then again Barack Obama is not comfortable with the concept of victory as he’s previously said in an interview.
Then why the hell did you run for president?
Oh right, I forgot.
He’s wants to remake America into what it used to be even though it never was what he wants to change it into. Mr. President it was a horrible effort last night. I’m sure you’ll have more trouble from your Leftist base than you’ll from the rest of us. Unlike you, we already know why we had to go to Iraq and Afghanistan. We’re already firm believers in projecting strength—a concept you know nothing about with all your apologizing for America and your bowing down to foreign leaders.
You’re a war president by default and deceit with the help of your whores in the media. So save your grandiose speeches for the lemmings who fall for them.
As Richard Nixon used to say, “Let me make myself perfectly clear!” Although I vehemently disagree with President Barack Obama’s policies, I just as adamantly want him to serve the rest of his term in office whether it be through 2012 or 2016 in safety without any harm coming to him.
I’m an American who is proud that we always have a peaceful transfer of power as a result of what happens at the ballot box and not with bullets.
But, in the wake of the White House Party Crashers incident, and how ridiculous or embarrassing it may be for the administration, I have to say something crazy and devious because I put nothing past desperate Liberals wanting to pass the Liberal laundry list of policies that is representative of the Obama administration.
After John F. Kennedy was assassinated, Barry Goldwater instinctively knew that he had no shot of winning the presidency because he felt the country would rally around Lyndon Johnson to fulfill the agenda of a young charismatic president in John F. Kennedy.
Johnson won by a landslide and he went on to fulfill what Kennedy started.
Today, we have another young charismatic president in Barack Obama with sinking approval ratings.
My fear is that the movers and shakers that lurk in the shadows of the Democrat Party like billionare George Soros and others will arrange to have Obama taken out and sacrificed for the greater cause of ObamaCare, Cap and Trade, Card Check ect…
Of course laying the blame on Right Wing survivalists, tea baggers, birthers, or returning war vets will be part of the charade to hide the actual culprits.
Sounds crazy?
Yes, it does. But, I feel I have to put this crazy notion out there because Liberals are known for their deceit and they would stop at nothing to achieve their aims.
Some may feel that desperate times call for desperate measures.
Normally, this is not the kind of subject I write about because I hold Oprah Winfrey in very low regard. But, when I read this article in the paper this morning, a feeling inside me began welling up to the point of disgust and disappointment.
It seems that the great and wonderful Oprah Winfrey is producing a series on HBO that’s described as follows:
Oprah Winfrey's getting her kink on with a steamy new cable series about a sexually curious LA housewife.
TV's touchy-feely daytime queen will get down and dirty with the HBO series, which revolves around a married woman who suddenly leaves her husband and kids to act out her secret fantasies in LA's seamy underbelly, according to Variety.
Thanks Oprah, just what we need another voyeuristic romp into sexual escapism that glorifies the break up of the American family.
Now if Suzy Sausage were the producer of this series, I wouldn’t have given it another thought and moved on to the rest of my paper. But, is this the only kind of programming Winfrey thought was well worth her time and effort?
I’m not calling for a boycott of this show or any kind of censorship. I believe in freedom of the individual to produce whatever they want produce. But, I have to say I’m very disappointed that someone of Winfrey’s so-called stature chose to go for the titillating cheap thrill.
Why does the premise and lead character of the show have to be a suburban housewife that chucks away her husband and kids to indulge her pent up sexual fantasies?
Answer: This is exactly Oprah’s largest demographic who watches her show for the past 25 years. And I’ll bet you a dollar to a doughnut that Oprah feels so tuned in to these sexually frustrated women that she wants to tap into that dissatisfaction and turn it into a huge viewership.
Of course any consideration of the morality of a housewife who would be selfish enough to forgo her family to capture hedonistic pursuits seems to be out-dated, or old-fashioned, or outright irrelevant.
Well, it’s not irrelevant to me and others.
This is what makes Oprah a phony in my eyes. She gives away cars and opens schools in South Africa, and isn’t she so grand and special?
But, she also willfully questions the rock-solid tenets of Christianity and leads her sheep to do the same. On second thought, of course she would produce this type of show.
Marriage and family life and the stresses that go along with it are very real. But, did you really have to add your 2 cents, Oprah? And was this the best you can come up with?
Nevertheless, I guess this is a victory for Feminism and Women’s empowerment. Let’s kill our unborn babies and call it Reproductive Rights. Now, we can add housewives behaving badly just like husbands have done since the beginning of time.
As we get down to the nifty gritty stage of the debate over ObamaCare on the Senate floor, I got a feeling in my bones that the Dems will not hesitate to pull out the Race Card to deflect attention away from their own disagreements between the Liberal (aka Progressives), Moderate, and Conservative (aka Blue Dogs) wings of the Democrat Party.
Be prepared!
Somebody either on the Senate floor or most likely outside it will accuse the Republicans of preventing landmark legislation because they don’t care about Black people, or people of color, or poor people in general.
When this happens, and I think it’s very likely, you’ll know that Harry Reid has reached the end of his rope and the Race card button gets pushed. And even if ObamaCare goes down in flames, the Dems will need a scapegoat—The Republicans for its failure.
Of course it won’t matter a damn to Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi that if ObamaCare were to get squashed on the Senate floor, it would really be as a result of the American people making their voices known to stop a piece of legislation they do not want.
Why pull out the Race Card?
As I’ve argued before on prior posts, this is what the Democrats do to keep the African American community (95% support rate and higher) mentally enslaved into thinking that the Democrat Party is their friend and protector.
I have been noticing while speaking to my Liberal friends that they don’t seem to have the same kind of swagger to their walk. They don’t want to carry a conversation about Obama for any length of time anymore.
Could reality be setting in in only 11 months of the Obama presidency?
Could they be begrudgingly admitting with their loss of swagger in their gate or bass in their voice, (if they ever had any bass in their voices, these are Obama supporters after all), that President Barack Hussein Obama (mm, mm, good) has as much substance to him as Rosie O’Donnell has brains?
Could they finally be witnessing that all that eloquence Obama throws around with the help of his trusty teleprompter is not the end all be all they thought was enough to be an effective president?
Conservatives, or at least the real Conservatives not named David Brooks, knew the real Obama all along. We saw past the great smile and the expensive tailored suits.
“Pretty decisive president you got there,” I said to my friend, “maybe he’ll send McKristol more troops by Christmas. This is what happens when you elect a Community Organizer president. ”
Dead silence.
I just hope this country doesn’t suffer another 911-type attack in the next 3 years and 2 months before this amateur show could be kicked back to Chicago.
Yesterday, Oprah Winfrey, the African American woman, daytime TV talk show host of dubious sexuality, announced that she will be going off the air in 2011.
What will middle-aged White woman, the bulk of Oprah’s audience, do now for their socialization and education? Can they ever survive without the Queen of TV that turned victim-hood-syndrome into a mega-billion dollar marketing empire?
I shudder to think of the consequences of having to be forced to live life without Oprah. How would millions face the world without knowing how she wants them to think or feel?
Her leaving may have catastrophic effects to the U.S. economy far worse than President Obama’s economic plan. Without her, how would we know what books to buy or movies to watch, or what doctors to see and for what?
But seriously folks, Oprah Winfrey should have left the airwaves 23 years ago. She’s done more harm than good for millions. The sad fact is many of her followers are blind to the damage she’s caused.
My theory as to the real reason she’s calling it quits is because she realizes she made a tremendous mistake endorsing Barack Obama. Her show has taken a ratings hit ever since. She said that this man should be president and just enough Americans were fooled into making it happen.
Why should her show be around for the fallout?
But, more importantly than that, Oprah has misled millions away from a relationship with our Lord!
The Oprah effect will still be felt because she intends to start her own cable network. But can we at least start pulling the curtain back and behold what she really is?
The New York Times’ token Conservative, David Brooks, takes a shot at Sarah Palin and refers to her as “a joke”. But, please understand, it’s the pain talking because Brooks can’t intellectually admit to himself that he along with other moderate Republicans were hoodwinked by Barack Obama into thinking that he was –The One.
Think of it as Brook’s defense mechanism. Sarah Palin has to be a joke in his mind, because he made a bad choice for president. So, the worse Obama does as commander-in-chief, the bigger a joke Palin needs to be.
Brooks, the same Washington-nized intellectual Conservative that once proclaimed the era of Reagan was dead, tells you all you need to know about the value of his opinion to the Republican Party, pretty worthless.
Brooks and his ilk currently control the GOP and that reality should alert all Conservatives to one thing; its time to take over this party once and for all and let these moderates go their own way like Ronald Reagan once said.
So if you’re a fan of Sarah Palin, its time to step up, be counted, and speak out! David Brooks, who prefers a softer, more fuzzy and moderate Republican party, needs to be left on the ash heap of history of the so-called thinkers in the Republican party who fell for a “Chicago pretender’s” candidacy because, well, they’re smarter than anybody else.
Yesterday after work I quickly tuned into Sean Hannity’s radio show for a quick second before hopping on the subway. Being Thursday, he has a segment of his show called, “Man on the Street Thursday”. It’s akin to Jay Leno’s “Jay Walking” in which one of Hannity’s staff hands a cell phone over to some commuter and asks basic questions like, “Who is the vice president” Do you know who Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reed is?
On this occasion, I dropped into the middle of a heated argument between Hannity and an African American woman who insisted that Mayor Mike Bloomberg has too much money for one man and that it needs to be taken away from him [by the government] and passed along to other people less fortunate.
“How did Bloombeg make all that money?”
“He ran a successful business,” Hannity said, “He broke no law, and pays his taxes.”
“And who allowed him to make all that money, Sean?” she asked, “The government right, lets be real.”
I couldn’t believe the stuff she was saying. But, then I thought of this video of another Black woman:
Then Sean asked his setup question:
“Then you believe in taking from each according to their ability, to each according to their need, right”
“That’s right. He has too much money for one man.”
“You know who said that?” Hannity asked.
“No, who?
“Karl Marx!”
Now I’m not trying to write another hidden Communists/Barack Obama admirer post. But, that woman is representative to a mentality that I cannot identify with. However, a lot of Leftist thinks that spreading somebody else’s wealth via the claws of government is the way it ought to be.
It made no difference to this woman that Michael Bloomberg is an American success story who took himself from humble beginnings and work his way into becoming a billionaire. The entitlement mentality believers that the less fortunate deserved to be taken cared of.
But, how did they become less fortunate exactly? Oh, I’m not allowed to ask that, right?
The rich, according to the entitlement mentality, are all evil anyway, so why not take it away from them?
These aren’t stupid people. They just have a different worldview that I thank God I do not share. In my opinion, there are two types of people in this country:
1. Those that are about something 2. Those that are not about something
The first group is self-reliant. They make things happen for themselves. These people are the ones who stay in school, or develop marketable skill that helps them put food on the table. These people don’t stay at a minimum wage job without benefits, but rather use it as a stepping stone until something better comes along. This group doesn’t allow outsider forces to keep them from achieving their individual goals. They don’t care who’s sitting in the White House. They overcome barriers because they have a responsibility to themselves or others, because it just has to get done. Some people in this group achieve great success relatively quickly, others may take a lot longer, but their progress is steady.
Now let me talk about the second group in a blunt way. These people are not self-reliant. These are the first people who drop out of school, or never develop a marketable skill that puts food on the table. They always have excuses as to why they're not progressing in their life (racism, unfairness, the teacher doesn’t like me, I’m keeping it real, to name a few…). These are the type of people who do the same things at ages 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and beyond, and would tell you with a straight face at age 48, “I’m just trying to get myself together.” These people have baby mommas or baby daddies spread over different states so child support payments (if they’re even paying it) keeps them in perpetual poverty.
You never hear in Leftist circles, a discussion about the choices people make.
Life is the sum total of all our choices.
It always starts from the standpoint of 5 or 8 choices after the fact, like 70% of African American babies are born out of wedlock.
Self-inflicted wounds are not up for discussion.
Unless we fix our broken families, no amount of money spent by government will ever cure what really ails us. But, the entitlement mentality will always want to be fed by the sweat and toil of others. And it will always be the 1st group people that pays the price.
God bless all those who have served or died for the cause of freedom. There are still some of us who appreciate all your service and sacrifice to defend our nation.
With so much going on in the country right now, the debate on Health Care, an act of domestic Terrorism at Fort Hood, Texas, and 10.2% unemployment rate thanks to President Obama’s incompetent economic policies, I feel the need to write about something utterly different in the blogesphere.
J. Randy Forbes came to my attention in the spring when he made an impassioned speech on the House floor in response to President Barack Obama’s assertion that the United States is no longer a Christian nation. I’ve been watching him ever since and I can’t help being impressed with this man.
He’s not only a man of faith, he’s a patriot that oozes Ronald Reagan every time I watch a video of him. In my opinion, J Randy Forbes is everything that Barack Obama is not. Or more plainly, he’s the Anti-Obama that offers a clear choice of Conservatism over Big Government Liberalism.
Nobody heard of Barack Obama prior to 2004 and now he is president. Congressman Forbes may not have the name recognition of a Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney. And I don’t even know if he even seeks the presidency. But, I see great potential in him.
Randy Forbes represents the diverse and expansive Fourth Congressional District of Virginia. Sworn in after a special election in 2001, he is now serving his fifth term in the U.S. House of Representatives. Randy focuses his efforts in Congress on protecting the security and sovereignty of our nation, preserving the moral and historical roots of our country, strengthening our military and supporting veterans, growing educational opportunities for our children, and promoting economic development through fiscal responsibility.
He serves as a Member of the House Judiciary committee and the House Armed Services Committee, where he is the Ranking Member of the Readiness Subcommittee.
Randy is the founder of the Congressional Prayer Caucus whose purpose is to recognize the vital role that prayer by individuals of all faiths has played in Congress and in America. He is also the founder of the Congressional Modeling and Simulation Caucus, the Congressional China Caucus, and co-chair of the Navy and Marine Corps Caucus.
Randy was born and raised in Chesapeake, Virginia where he still resides with his wife Shirley. He and Shirley have been married since 1978 and have four children: Neil, Jamie, Jordan, and Justin.
As the debate rages on in the House of Representatives over Barack Obama’s ill-conceived, deficit-busting, freedom removing, tax increasing and centralized government planned abomination of a Health Care bill, Ronald Reagan warned America about the perils of socialized medicine.
Today, the face of government oppression (Barack Obama) is different, some say historical. But, President Obama is an old package clothed in new bubble wrap. And even if he signs a new Health Care bill into law, I see it as a moment for optimism, because I see it as a death knell of his presidency.
Deuteronomy 23:5
However, the LORD your God would not listen to Balaam but turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the LORD your God loves you.