Video provided by Booker Rising
As a Black/Latino conservative I understand perfectly Herman Cain’s plight. However, those that know me know better that to start any ideological arguments because they will get quickly slammed.
I used to write about this sort of stuff more often but it’s like knocking your head against the wall with some Black people who are so brain locked by Liberals they excuse Black genocide, higher proportion of Blacks have abortions than any other group.
The Bible says in Proverbs 92:6 that senseless people do not know, and fools do not understand. Who am I to argue with Scripture?
However, I do see positives. More and more Blacks are “coming out” and escaping the mental plantation that Liberals have been living on for the past 50 years. What I tell my friends, family, and other associates, look up what Sen Patrick Moynihan had to say about what Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society plan really did for the ‘Hood.
Listen to Rush Limbaugh for 2 weeks on the down low and get back to me.
Read The Thought Police by Tammy Bruce, or Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin.
In addition to that I ask them to notice whenever a Liberal/Democrat criticizes a Republican/Conservative, they never give a point by point counter argument to an issue, any issue. What they usually do is C.S.I.
Or what Herman Cain calls S.I.N.
They switch topics
Ignore the facts
They name call
Then I ask them to notice what Liberals did to the city of Detroit? Look at California, New York, and Michigan, what do they all have in common?
Think “outside the box” that says because you’re Black or Latino, you’re supposed to be for Democrats, no thinking involved. Is that how an intelligent person supposed to act?
But, the biggest reason I think Blacks stay loyal to the Democrat party in this day and age of the internet is that the indoctrination they received in public schools controlled by Liberals. Their coastally fed don’t listen to Rush Limbaigh, don’t watch Fox News because they’re your enemy.
It works and Democrats knows the formula works, for the most part. However, the arrival of Barack Obama is the biggest factor that Blacks are at least beginning to question their belief system. They see that the conditions in the ‘hood has gotten worse since he’s been in office.
What happened?
That’s when I come in and say, “Brother or Sista, it’s time do some serious thinking FOR YOURSELF.
An intelligent person listens, reads, and learns as much as possible like a sponge. But, if a person tells you don’t listen to this or that, the next question should be why?
Don’t take my for it Black man or woman, crack open a book or turn to this channel for a change.
Sadly, they’ll always be a segment that stubbornly remains ignorant because it’s better to do that than undergo the psychological trauma of learning the truth. It’s like people who won’t read the Bible because they don’t want to be convicted by it.
But, Jesus said there’s true freedom in the truth.
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