The Hill reports that former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, laid into President Obama's approach to the ongoing crisis in Egypt Saturday more forcefully than any other speaker at CPAC so far.
It what has been a common comparison over the past two days, Bolton said Obama's foreign policy approach smacks of former President Jimmy Carter's, labeling the president's posture "hesitant" and "inconsistent."
Bolton, who is weighing a presidential run in 2012 and is well known among conservative activists, was met with a standing ovation as he took the CPAC stage Saturday.
Referencing electoral victories by Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, Bolton cautioned that the road ahead for Egypt is worrisome, criticizing the Obama administration for not adopting a stronger posture toward the Muslim Brotherhood.
Bolton accused Obama's director of national intelligence, James Clapper, of ignoring the true nature of the group.
"It's name is the Muslim Brotherhood," Bolton said.
Many of the conference's main speakers have made little mention about the crisis in Egypt over the past two days, with rumored potential contenders like former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels steering clear of it entirely.
I will post CPAC video when it becomes available.
Here’s Bolton on Fox
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