So much for the conservative sounding Democrat, Andrew Cuomo.
The New York Post which has become part of Andrew Cuomo’s propaganda arm, has described this deal between SEIU’s 1199 and Andrew Cuomo as quote “dramatic agreement”.
If you believe that, then I’ll be selling the Brooklyn Bridge tomorrow at noon for $1.78. Be there!
The first thing that must be understood is that SEIU donated thousands of dollars to Andrew Cuomo’s campaign for governor of New York.
They expected payback for their investment and as surely as the sun rises in the East, they got it!
As such, Cuomo is obligated to this public sector union like most other Democrats across the nation. New York is on the brink of bankruptcy like the other one party (Democrat) controlled states such as California, New Jersey and Michigan to mama a few.
So the trick for Cuomo is to appear to the public as if he’s actually looking out for their best interests while simultaneously batting his eyes at the unions, “Don’t worry I’ll take care of you in the end.”
Here’s how he does it and the shameless New York Post is helping him shovel the feces in the faces of New Yorkers.
Spending on Medicaid is limited to a whopping 52.8 billion dollars with a “B” this year, “capping”, not cutting, the state’s share at 15.1 billion and allowing no more than 4% growth each year going forward.
4% may not sound like a lot. But, try to find a savings account anywhere in this country paying 4%?
If I knew my salary would increase 4% a year in these very rough fiscal times, I would be doing an Irish jig at my desk everyday at lunch while praising the Lord Jesus.
But, what we really have here is another wink wink sweetheart deal between a Democrat governor and a public sector union that are sleeping in the same bed plus Sandra Lee. But, I digress.
Cuomo is putting slightly less expensive, but expensive nonetheless, lipstick on the same pig and calling it Ms. Universe. He’s doing exactly what other Democrat governors have done in this state for years by kicking the proverbial can down the road.
Slowing down the rate of spending is still spending in the final analysis and only puts off the day of reckoning for another day. The Titanic that is New York is still sinking while Cuomo rearranges the deck chairs and proclaims the hole is plugged.
A governor showing real leadership would have cut the spending by 4% and instituted a real “hard cap” that promises not to go up a single penny year after year.
Prior to election, I argued vociferously that there was no way in the world that Andrew Cuomo, sounding like a conservative for the purposes of getting elected, was going to turn his back on his bed partners in the unions.
This charade of a deal proves my suspicions were on the money.
This is not leadership for the people of New York. Only fools and ill-informed Democrat s who voted for Cuomo would fall for such baloney.
It’s a sham, a bait and switch meant to bamboozle suckers with their hands out like LeRoy down the street. Some may think that Andrew Cuomo is a new kind of fiscally responsible Democrat. He’s nothing of the sort and this deal insults the intelligent of New Yorkers who are really paying attention to the fraud from Mount Kisco. They’re sick and tired of taking it in the shorts at the hands of this illicit relationship between Democrats and unions. Under Cuomo spending will continue to rise and he’ll talk about phony “caps” on spending and try to pass them off as cuts in spending. This is the same kind of verbal alchemy that invented the “jobs saved” statistic.
Can you now understand why it’s in the best interests of the Democrat Party for public schools to continue to fail our kids? They don’t want our children being too educated less they might end up seeing through the lies.
It’s outrageous, and it’s the taxpayers that have to make the sacrifice while the unions nothing.
And shame on the New York Post for willingly being part of the ruse to mislead the public. The only “dramatic” thing about this deal and this story is the level of arrogance and condescension of the cohorts involved in this carnival sidewhow.
I don’t know if I’ll live long enough to see a Scott Walker type governor in New York. That’s the type of courageous leadership this state needs before all of New York becomes like Detroit.
Guess which political party ran that city into the dust?
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