It’s a big lie repeated over and over again by the very people that are responsible for spending and taxing this country into near oblivion. In fact the amount of vitriol coming from The Left is proof that Tea Party is on the right track in returning the United States into a sound fiscally responsible status.
Progressive, who even lie about what they call themselves, i.e. Liberals, only care about taxing everything that moves, and spending the money on programs that create more government dependency. They don’t believe in freedom of the individual because they think people are stupid and need to be led by the nose by Harvard and Yale trained elites.
A Progressive’s worst nightmare is a highly educated and motivated populace with the drive to achieve great things WITHOUT the help of mother government.
That’s why they’ve made it their business to control every public school system in the nation to ensure that our most precious resource, our children are hopeless locked in failing schools. Keep the kids ignorant so they become more dependent on the state. Graduation rates for African Americans and Latinos are failing just the way Progressives want them to.
What does the Tea Party want?
They want America to strive, not just exist. They want greater freedom for all to create businesses, with the help of lower taxes, less government regulation that is hamstring the economy. The Tea Party want to increase opportunity, not stifle it.
That’s why Progressives must paint the Tea Party as monsters or even Terrorists because they see them as their biggest threat to crushing once and for all the Nanny State Progressives love so much.
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