Monday, August 9, 2010

Response to Ted Olson’s Claim that Same Sex Marriage is a Conservative Value

I don’t know what happened to Ted Olsen and the things he used to believe in?

James Brown would be very proud of the dance moves Ted Olson put on at Fox News Sunday.

The flaw in Ted Olson’s circular argument is that he is clearly rationalizing a so-called “right to same sex marriage” that he tacitly admits really doesn’t appear in the Constitution by answering a question with a question when he said, “Where does the right to inter-racial marriage appear in the Constitution?”

My question to Ted Olsen would be this:

If the right to marriage is a matter of liberty, privacy, association and spirituality guaranteed to each individual under the Constitution.

What happens to the liberty, privacy, association and spirituality of pastors, ministers, rabbis, priests, and imams who refuse to preside over a same-sex marriage based on their constitutionally protected right to worship as they wish in their churches, synagogues and mosques?

Do these clergymen automatically become criminals in the eyes of the law and if that is the case how does that not do immeasurable harm to the communities they serve?

This is the error in the argument that says same-sex marriage does no harm to the community.

And it’s only because the gay community insists on pushing the issue further and further along. Gays are not satisfied with Civil Unions that would give them the same protections as opposite sex couples.

No, not good enough for them!

They want to re-define the definition of marriage so they can have state-sanctioned seal of approval for lifestyle.

You may not like hearing it, and we have boatloads of politicians and clergy who are too cowardly to say it, but it’s the truth.

A Black man or woman cannot decide one day not to be Black. It’s the way they were born. It wasn’t a choice.

Homosexuality, however, is a choice!

One of the biggest lies in this country is that homosexuality cannot be overcome. It happens everyday and the story never gets told because it doesn’t suit the template of the Left.

But, having said that if one chooses to be homosexual, by all means knock yourself out!

Be happy in your gayness!

But, I guess it’s better to play the victim card to the hilt despite the fact that gay couples are allowed to adopt children like anybody else, they can live anywhere they want to live, and they have a higher per capita income than opposite sex couples.

Boy, that really sounds like having to sit in the back of the bus and having to drink from a “Gay Only” water fountain.

Cross ref Memeorandum

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