As more and more information about ObamaCare is learned by the American public through alternative news outlets like talk radio, conservative newspapers, Fox News, and the blogosphere, the more people reject President Obama’s desire to turn the United States into a European-style social democracy.
The people are rejecting the idea of government run health care because they all understand that government can’t run the Post Office very well.
So keep your stinking hands off our health care!
But, be that as it may, President Obama is on the campaign/deception trial misrepresenting a bill that he himself has not read.
He says the bill will cut premium costs, but he flat out is lying through his teeth, like he usually does,
Gallop reports:
As President Obama begins a final push on healthcare reform, slightly more Americans say they would advise their member of Congress to vote against rather than for a healthcare reform bill similar to the one the president has proposed.
These results, based on a new Gallup poll conducted March 4-7, confirm the generally divided nature of public opinion on healthcare legislation that Gallup has found in recent months. The high point in public support was 51% in October.
President Obama has called for a final up-or-down vote on healthcare legislation, which has dominated the domestic agenda for much of his presidency. Most of the Republican leadership in Congress would prefer that Congress begin work on a new bill rather than try to pass Obama's proposal, which is based largely on a bill the Senate passed last year with no Republican support.
The president and Democratic leaders in Congress are trying to pass healthcare legislation in the coming weeks, and if they succeed, they will likely do so by a slim margin in the House and possibly the Senate.
In some ways, this corresponds to Americans' division over the legislation, though Gallup currently finds slightly more Americans wanting their member of Congress to vote against rather than for a reform bill similar to the one Obama has proposed.
Full story
Via Gallop
Via Memeorandum
The Last Tradition
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