Wednesday, March 17, 2010

James Sykes, Prius Driver that took the Main Stream Media for a Ride

Fact. GM and Chrysler are owned by the U.S. government.

Fact Toyota out sells both companies.

Fact. The media loves President Barack Obama.

If Toyota has problems, who do you think the media wants to reap the benefits of Toyota’s misfortune?

Ron Futrell writes at Big

The lengths that the media will go to when they find a story that they love. A guy on a San Diego freeway has an out-of-control Toyota Prius with a stuck gas pedal and lives are in danger, and the world is about to end! Cue the live choppers, the news crews and call the networks. They all fell faster than their own stock prices for this ruse. Why? Because they wanted the story to be true.

This James Sikes guy was
But not hard to figure out from the start. When I heard he called 911 while supposedly driving 90 mph down the freeway, I knew this was a fraud. Who does that? Seriously. Your car is out of control and instead of putting it in neutral or shutting it off, you call 911? Of course, it’s taken the media a week or so to finally figure out what most of us saw from the start, but what else is new? They’ve done it before, they’ll do it again and they’ll do it with many more important stories than this one.

In the days after this story things have come out about James Sikes and his financial troubles, but the media should’ve figured out this story long before this. Instead, Sikes became a media darling. He was everywhere. The morning shows loved this guy’s story and they did it with all the drama and fervor of the Balloon Boy over Ft. Collins. Wait a minute—didn’t the media tell us after they were fooled by that story that they were going to be more careful next time? Oh well.
Full story

Via Big

The Last Tradition

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