The false controversy of Dove putting out a racist ad was laughable but oh so typical of the PC age we live in. Thanks to the warped minds of liberals everything they see and experience must go through the PC rinse cycle. As such they feel it’s their calling or duty to look out for minorities because they can’t possibly look out for themselves.
So if you’re a corporation like Hallmark and sell a talking graduation card for 5th graders that mentions “black holes”, ya’ run the risk of some mental giants over at the L.A. NAACP that would swear on a stack of collard greens they hear “black whores”.
Look at any TV commercial that involves African Americans interacting with Caucasians.
Office setting-The manager (aka the boss) of the office is going to be an African American or a member of another protected group (Latinos, women, gays ect). That member of the PG will always be depicted as smart, competent and it total control of the situation.
Bank setting-The manager and or loan officer will be African American and the one seeking the loan will be a Caucasian. You won’t see a Black person seeking a loan from a White.
General office setting (No boss involved)-If you have at least one member of a PG interacting with Whites, rest assured the black dude or gal will be the one to come up with the answer to solve the problem whiles the Whites are depicted as less or even incompetent.
In general-The person with all the answers will be Black or a PG member, the people seeking the answers will be White.
This is the advertising environment that you see on TV and it’s so politically correct, it’s ridiculous.
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