Sunday, April 10, 2011

Muslims offended by Trinny & Susannah

Muslims are the world’s most easily offended people.

Their worse than feminists, which is quite a feet in itself. The latest piece of offensive claptrap Muslims are screaming about concerns the popular Trinny & Susannah fashion dual who appear in ads in front of a mosque wearing what Muslims consider a G-string. To Muslims, unless women are wearing burqas (burqas see below) everything else other than that is a G-String.

YNer News reports that newspaper ads for the "Trinny & Susannah Do Israel" show have sparked a row among Muslims, as they show the two British fashion advisors dressed in immodest clothing against the backdrop of the al-Aqsa Mosque and Western Wall.

Channel 10 apologized for the incident on Wednesday evening and promised to change the ads immediately.

The Islamic Movement's al-Aqsa institution association slammed Channel 10 for publishing a picture of the two women wearing strapless dresses against the backdrop of the mosque

The association released a statement saying that "the publication of such abomination against the backdrop of an image of the al-Aqsa Mosque, in order to promote a television program on fashion and clothes, is a blatant violation and a desecration of Islam's holy mosque. This is an insult to more than one and a half billion Muslims in the world."

More details here

Attention to the one and a half billion Muslims around the world: Kiss my ass while I’m wearing a pig costume.

You know what’s really offensive?

I think how Islam systematically treats woman like shit is offensive. In many Muslims countries woman are not allowed to go to school, or drive cars. If a Muslim woman is raped, she needs 4 witnesses to prove her claim. In reality women are treated like 10th class citizens in Islamic countries.

That’s the real offense here!

So forgive me I don’t give a rip about Muslims being offended about anything because anything under the sun offends them!


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