But, of course finding the most obvious answers to these kinds of questions is irrelevant or doesn’t suit the purpose of the media.
For example if Jared was never hugged as a child, told that he was loved, and encouraged to be anything he wanted to be, would that be the least bit relevant?
Or that he liked to play this sing alot, is the group playing the song a little bit at fault?
Suppose he was locked in a closet for hours upon hours and beaten repeatedly, would that be relevant? Suppose his parents were drunkards or drug addicts, would that be relevant?
The media hasn’t even offered up any of these scenarios even as speculation.
Because Jared Lee Loughner is a WHITE man from a middle class neighborhood in Tucson Arizona that shot a Democrat politician that voted for ObamaCare.
Thus, the media, by design, has to make him an extremist that was motivated or pushed over the edge by Talk Radio and Sarah Palin to manipulate public sympathy for Democrats who’ve just lost control of the House of Representatives.
So, it doesn’t matter a rip to the media what kind of parenting Luoghner received for the past 22 years of his life.
Now if this was Jerome Jenkins, an African American that shot the same politician, then his parenting or lack thereof would become very relevant. All of a sudden the media would break their necks trying to find that single mother or grandmother who had to raise little Jerome by themselves because his father wasn’t around, or is in prison, and those mean ole’ Republicans are getting ready to cut Welfare.
All this, to absolve little Jerome.
The important lesson to remember here is templates are more important to the Liberal media than facts. But, the people see it for what it is.
That’s why the print media is dying all across the country because the people are voting with their wallets and pocketbooks as to where to get legitimate news performed by true professionals, like on Fox News, Talk Radio and this little ole blog.
Some questions the media should be asking the parents
Was your son on medication?
What was the medication?
Did you think he needed medication after campus police were called to his class 5 times?
Was he seeing a mental health professional?
Did he receive counseling?
If not, didn’t you think he needed counseling?
Did you ever seek professional help during his lifetime?
Did you ever seek help from child services?
If so, what were the result?
If not, why didn’t you seek help?
Did he ever exhibit strange behavior growing up?
If not, did you notice a change in the past four years and did you seek help?
Did you know the campus police were called five times because of Jared?
What was your reaction after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd time?
Do you feel you were good parents?
Did you ever think he could be a danger to others given that you know him better than anyone else?
Did anybody tell you your son needed professional help?
Are you atheists?
Do you feel responsible for the massacre you son committed?
Looking back now, do you feel you could have raised him differently?
Do you think you were good parents, if so why?
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