Monday, May 10, 2010

Giuliani: Policy of Political Correctness Has Led to Missed Signals (ABC Interview)

I really miss Rudy as mayor of New York.

Before Giulianai came onto the scene under the previous mayor, Democrat David Dinkins, drugs were being sold in broad daylight right down the street from my house. It was a very bad situation that Dinkins never lifted a finger to fix.

In came Giuliani and my neighborhood now is one of the safest in the city.

He was a real leader with strength and wasn’t afraid to show it. Yeah, I didn’t agree with him on the social issues but that takes nothing away from what he accomplished in a city most thought was unmanageable.

From ABC News:

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says a “policy of political correctness” has led to missed signals in recent terrorism investigations.

In my “This Week” interview, Giuliani told me, “I'm just not talking about the Obama administration. I'm talking about our entire apparatus that has to be fixed. We missed the signals with the bomber in Detroit. We missed the signals with Major Hasan. We missed the signals here [in the Faisal Shahzad case].”’

Responding to Attorney General Eric Holder’s suggestion on “This Week,” that changes to the public safety exception in issuing Miranda warnings should be considered, Giuliani said he supports such changes, but is “frustrated by the lack of urgency that is shown about terrorism matters.”

TAPPER: So you support what Attorney General Holder had to say
about going to Congress and trying to get an updated Miranda warning?

GIULIANI: I do. I do. I support it, but I really at this point am
frustrated by the lack of urgency that is shown about these terrorism
matters. I mean, we've had three now where we've seen, you know, big
breakdowns: Fort Hood, Christmas Day, and now -- and now this one.
It's about time that we stopped thinking about it and we stopped
studying it. I don't know how often the attorney general said he was
studying things. How about we stop studying and we start doing things,
like we change Miranda, like we fix what appears to be a policy of
political correctness in which we missed every signal that related to
Major Hasan and promoted him in the military?
And here we missed some very big signals that Shahzad was giving us,
going back to Pakistan, remaining there for five or six months, bringing
in -- I've forgotten exactly how much cash he brought in from Pakistan,
but I think it was something like $60,000...


TAPPER: It was something like -- I think it was $80,000...

GIULIANI: Eighty thousand dollars in cash.

TAPPER: ... but it was several -- several years ago, yes.

GIULIANI: Yes, but that doesn't trigger an alarm, even several
years ago?


TAPPER: ... triggered an alarm and he was...

GIULIANI: ... fix these things now instead of talking about them.

TAPPER: Apparently, it did trigger an alarm. He was put on a
Treasury watch list, but I'm not sure what more could have been done
after that.

GIULIANI: Well, don't you see a pattern here, Jake? And I'm not --
I'm just not talking about the Obama administration. I'm talking about
our entire apparatus that has to be fixed. We missed the signals with
-- with the -- the -- the bomber in -- in -- in Detroit. We missed the
signals with Major Hasan. We missed the signals here.
Maybe we've got to say to ourselves, let's go back and fix all this,
rather than study it, to see what we're going to do. We've been at this
long enough now to stop studying and start doing things.

Via ABC News

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