Wednesday, September 30, 2009

ATTENTTION: For All Liberals Who Think Bastardizing Christian Songs is Okay; Let’s Make a Deal

When I heard that a New Jersey public school was using school children to sing praises to President Barack Hussein, eh…is it okay for me to say his middle name now? Just checking because I still don’t know the rules on that. As I was saying, when I heard that school kids were singing praises to President Barack Hussein Obama, I wasn’t shocked. That’s just what the Liberal-controlled school systems do no matter how much they may try and deny it.

However, when I realized that they lifted a stanza from a Christian song, Jesus Loves The Little Children, and exchanged “Barack Hussein Obama” for “Jesus”, I became irate.

I won’t go as far as saying that these Liberal educators committed heresy or even a sacrilege. But, what they did was insensitive and highly disrespectful to all Christians not only in this country, but around the world.

These Christian lyrics:

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
They're all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world

Were changed to:

Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mmm!

A Christian song is not just a thing one sings for entertainment value. We Christians consider the singing of these songs as a form of worship like praying, reading the Bible, attending church and giving of tithes. I don’t expect Liberals to really understand because Ann Coulter was right after all about our Liberal brethren, they really are Godless. For them, a profession of faith is mostly lip service, or something that one does to keep up appearances. They really don’t believe in Jesus Christ anyway.

Lets be real.

But instead of having a discussion about the value of faith, I propose a compromise with all Liberals in this country. You can bastardize any Christian song you want and insert President Obama’s name to your hearts content since you feel the need to deify this president, in exchange for agreeing to bring back prayer in the public schools.

Let’s reinstate this payer that you Liberals found so offensive in 1962’s Engel v. Vitale Supreme Court decision:

“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country. Amen.”

Let’s dispense with all the phony talk about the separation of church and state that really doesn’t appear in the constitution anyway. You get to sing songs to Obama and we get to have our children pray to a real deity that you don’t believe in.

So what’s the harm?

I think this is a fair bargain.

President Obama, while visiting Turkey, said that the United States was no longer a Christian country, right? According to him we’re one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. But, I doubt highly you would usurp any Muslims songs any time soon.

That would be going too far.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Remember when Jimmy Carter Called Barack Obama a Boy? Another Blown Opportunity by Cowardly Republicans

Quite recently, 84 year old Jimmy Carter accused millions of Americans of being racists for having the gall to oppose nationalized health care. Many things have been said since then ranging from Carter was only speaking for himself on one hand, to he was actually playing the bad cop for the White House to marginalize the impact of the Town Hall meetings.

None of these speculations are even close.

What Carter, or more appropriately, the Democrat party was really doing was performing a maintenance job on the gears of the social conditioning of Black folks.

Every now and then you have to take your car to get gas, change the oil, and rotate the tires. It’s necessary for the smooth running of your vehicle. The African American community, who solidly votes Democrat at a rate of 95% and above doesn’t happen by accident. The Democrat party never miss an opportunity to mislead and distort the image of Republicans.

Unfortunately, the Republican party continues to let themselves be beaten on rhetorical front because the subject of race is so explosive. But, there comes a time where courage has to emerge, fear needs to be set aside, and political correctness ignored.

The Democrat party continues to feed the phony impression that all Republicans are racists even though they were the party of Slavery. Does anyone bother to point out that Bull Conner was Democrat? Or that the Kluu Klux Klan was the terrorist wing of the Democrat party?

It’s bad enough we have Republicans that are afraid to defend Conservatism. But, these same cowards are also terrified to defend their true history.

This must change.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel Speech at U.N.

He’s a proud patriot who advocates for his country and for the cause of freedom without apology. He’s speaks truth to the worthless and ineffective bunch of do nothings that is the United Nations.

Memo to President Obama: This is the true leader of Free World! You’re out of your league.

God bless you, Ben, and your country!

Pardon Me Brother While I Stab You in the Back

Who says Coups can only happens in third world countries?

On September 22, 2009 President Barack Obama, the first African American elected to the highest political office in the land, effectively told New York Governor David Patterson, get lost, I’ll go with the White guy, Andrew Cuomo instead.

Not one shot was fired, or was blood left on the floor. Yet the betrayal was just as viscous and painful for Patterson who must feel like the loneliest Democrat in the world.

“David is the first African American governer in the state of New York and he’s being asked to get out of the race. It’s very unusual and it seems very unfair,” said Michelle Patterson, the governor’s wife.

So much for history.

Patterson is also the first legally blind governor in the history of the country. But, that didn’t deter Obama from twisting his knife in David’s back. Of course none of the racial or disability aspects of this story will be reported in the main stream press in the fashion that it is being reported here. That would only happen if it was a Republican performing some sort of perceived dirt on Liberal.

And as for the Black and Latino voters who according to an August Siena Research Institute poll think that New York State is on the right track at the rates of 50% and 60% respectively, who cares what they think.

What was really important is that 62% of Whites think that the state is going in the wrong direction, and President Obama sided with the White folks.

So David had to go!

Don’t expect protests in the Black community even though Patterson got his throat cut. It was all George Bush’s fault, right?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/24/09

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Setting the Record Straight: The True History of Civil Rights and the Republican Party that Democrats Don’t Want Black People to Know

Frances Rice, Chairwoman of the National Black Republican Association talks about how the Democratic party have successfully distorted history to keep Blacks ignorant of the fact that the Republican Party started the fight for Civil Rights and had to fight the Democrat Party every step of the way.

For nearly 50 years Blacks have been socially conditioned to vote Democrat based on a false impressions, mischaracterizations, and outright lies about the Republican Party. For 75 years after Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves that were enslaved by White Democrats, Blacks solidly supported the Republican Party. But 1964 Civil Rights Act changed that reality. The bill finally passed with greater percentage of Republicans voting for it than Democrats. Later, Whites who voted Democrat for over 100 years left the Democratic Party and voted Republican.

So the Democrat Party, who had fought a war to keep slavery, who fought to keep segregation alive, and who was opposed to all civil rights acts of the past, needed a new base to replenish the hole left by the Whites who left.

The rest is a sad history of deceit and psychological manipulation perpetrated against Blacks by the very people who were their enslavers in the first place. This has gone on long enough and it needs to stop and the truth be told.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/23/09

Obama Wants To Remove the Secret Ballot

What is the Employee Free Choice Act and why does President Barack Obama love it so much? It’s smoothly packaged as legislation that would help union members attain better wages, better healthcare, and more financial security for all.

Sounds great, right?

But, what lies beneath the silky packaging that sounds so wonderful, just like our velvet tongued president? Hidden among all the superb promises that this bill makes, is a provision removing the rights of all union members to cast a secret ballot. In other words, the union rank and fill would have to publicly vote in full view of union officials on all issues.

Think of the impact?

Union members would be open to hostile intimidation if they do not support the Union leadership. Another facet of this most dishonest legislation is to make a concerted effort to strong-arm private businesses to unionize their workforce.

Casting a secret ballot is one of our most time honored tenants of the United States Constitution. But, President Barack Obama, who received 64 million dollars from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) for his presidential campaign, wants to do an end run around the Constitution.

This is how socialists roll!

They like to remove individual rights to increase the reach and power of the central government.

54% of Chrysler Motors is now controlled by the United Auto Workers Union (UAW). Now President Obama wants to go after other businesses and this legislation, if passed, would make it a whole lot easier for him.

Employee Free Choice Act?

Ha, it should be called the Employee No Choice Act.

Are you paying attention to what’s happening to your country?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 5/24/09

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The State of Manhood Today is Pathetic (Ode to John Wayne)

Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong time. I can hardly watch television anymore because I can’t stand the way men are portrayed today.

It doesn’t matter whether I’m watching a commercial, a sit-com, or a drama, more likely than not the men are represented as either effeminate, weak, or put more simply chick-a-fied. Think Jon Cryer and you’ll get the idea.

Try to find a John Wayne type, and your search will be a waste of time.

Where are the examples of rugged individualism? Where are the pillars of strength, the toughness, or the self-assured nature of not only a John Wayne, who’s my personal favorite, but also a Gregory Peck, a Gary Cooper, a Lee Marvin, or even Burt Lancaster?

But, it easy to find the whimpering, sobbing, sniveling complaining defuses that passes for manhood nowadays and reign supreme on our TV screens and movie theaters.
Thank you so much, Women’s Liberation Movement, for pushing your ideas of what genders rolls should be, that we have succeeding generations of men who don’t know what it is to be a real man anymore.

In some European countries, they are removing urinals from the boy’s bathroom in grade schools. Apparently, Feminists groups have argued that little boys should urinate like little girls because doing it standing up is hostile act towards women.

Are European men putting up a fight in the name of traditional male behavior? The removal of the urinals should answer that question. And whatever starts in Europe, Liberals in the United States most certainly will want to copy.

We need more John Waynes and less John Cusacks.

God help us!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/20/09

Saturday, September 19, 2009

America's New Civil War

There is a cultural war going on in this country. It's a war where no one wears uniforms, no one one is carrying any weapons, or brandishing a flag of representation. The soldiers in this war look like ordinary people. Yet the conflict that they all engage in is any less important to the future of this country.

America's new Civil War is a conflict between Traditionalists and Progressives, or more succinctly, Conservatoires and Liberals. There is much misunderstanding of what these labels mean. And thanks to the mis-education and indoctrination of our children by our public school system, a system monopolized, by Liberals, ignorance reigns supreme. It will be the focus of this blog to shed light where darkness lurks.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pelosi Needs to Apologize to America

Yes America, the Democrats have reached the desperation stage!

In a disgusting display of dubious emotionalism, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, third in line to the presidency, had the nerve to label the rhetoric of opposition to President Obama’s attempt to nationalize health care as akin to the kind of debate she witnessed in San Francisco during the early 70s over the issue of gay rights.

“This kind of rhetoric was very frightening and it created a climate in which violence took place,” said Pelosi.

In 1978, former San Francisco Supervisor Dan White assassinated Mayor George Moscone and an openly gay politician named Harvey Milk. Milk has since become a hero and martyr for the Homosexual lobby as demonstrated by Sean Penn winning the Academy Award for Best Actor for portraying Harvey Milk.

Nancy Pelosi and the rest of her cohorts in the Democrat Party are sinking to new lows, even for them.

It wasn’t bad enough that they dragged out 84 year old former President Jimmy Carter to swing the Racism-hatchet against millions of Americans who do not want to see an overhaul of the health care system; Pelosi goes even further by claiming strong opposition can lead to violence.

Someone needs to ask Mrs. Pelosi, and I won’t hold my breath waiting for it to happen, where was her concern for the feelings of her fellow Americans when she referred to ordinary citizens who attended Town Hall meetings as “Astro-Turf”? Where was her worry when she accused the same people of carrying Swastikas? Where was her apprehension when she accused her fellow Americans of being un-American for simply protesting?

Once again the Lowly Liberals are engaging in emotional blackmail!

Pelosi can’t sell Obama Care any better than the president. So, she tries to compensate for her lack of oratory skills by irresponsibly doubling down on emotional manipulation by making the false inference that boisterous opposition can lead to President Obama being shot dead.

This is totally outrageous on its face and beneath the dignity of the office of Speaker of the House. Or at least it was dignified before Nancy Pelosi took office.

Nancy Pelosi is guilty of the very claims she ascribes to others who disagree with her and the president. In the name of decency, she should immediately apologize to the American people.

I for one, have great respect for the office of president of the United Sates. Whoever sits in that chair gets voted in by the people.


That’s how we roll in this country.

We are not a banana republic like Venezuela.

We don’t live under a dictatorship like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

We use ballot boxes, not bullets to effect change.

This is what makes us exceptional!

This is what makes us, Americans!

Maybe Nancy Pelosi will understand that one day, but I won’t hold my breath for that either.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/18/09

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Democrats Pull Out Race Cards because it Works on Target Audience-Black Folks

For years whenever somebody asked me, "Why are you a Conservative?", my response has always been, "Why aren’t you?”

What usually follows after that is I'd see dumbfounded expression on their faces, mouths would usually drop to the floor, and they would say one of the following statements:

• Conservatives are for the rich
• Conservatives are racists
• Conservatives are for White people

There's some other common responses, but these three in essence capture the overall sentiments of most Black folks or Latinos for that matter. This mind set has been around for nearly 50 years. It’s a mindset that has enslaved people of color for far too long.

Jimmy Carter, a supporter of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas who are dedicated to the destruction of the state of Israel, and as president presided over a weak economy that featured double-digit inflation, double-digit interest rates, and double-digit unemployment, and while under his watch Americans were held hostage for 444 days in Iran by a bunch of rag-tag Iranian thugs, thinks he has the moral authority to cast aspersions on the character of fellow Americans and accuse them of being racists for simply disagreeing with President Obama’s policies.

Pulling out the accusation of Racism is a favorite tactic of Liberals and it is often used because they can never win arguments on the merits. They insidiously know that the strategy works on the intended audience-people of color. It its used because the tactic helps to reinforce a mindset. It’s the same kind of mindset that would lead a group of Black teenagers to accuse a friend of trying to be “white” just because he wanted to stay home and study his schoolwork.

How long will the mind lock continue?

Shame only seems to work when it comes to political affiliation. Black people are shamed into voting Democrat by other Black people only because they have been fed the same group think. They don’t want to be seen as being different because the cost of social isolation is too high. The Democrat party knows this and continues to oil the wheels of mimdlock.

How long will the mind lock continue?

How about thinking for yourself and deciding on your own as to what your values really are?

I’m a proud Conservative and I vote for the candidate that matches my values. Most Black people and Latinos are really conservatives. But when it comes to politics, the community shame that tells them how they should to think, kicks in. So they go and vote for the candidate that supports the murder of the unborn (abortion).

50 million babies snuffed out since 1973.

It's the American Holocaust America doesn't want to acknowledge. But, that's only one issue where Black folks vote against their conscience and still continue to support the Democrat Party who are the chief defenders of abortion.

Democrats love to paint Republicans as racists. But did you know that of all the lynching that went on in America, an overwhelming majority of them were perpetrated by Democrats?

How long will the mind lock continue?

When Lincoln freed the slaves, your minds were included in the deal.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/16/09

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Democrats Boogie Man #6: Predatory Lenders

Everyday when I come home from work, I make sure to say a prayer of thanks to God All Mighty for once again keeping me safe from, dare I say it, Predatory Lenders.

According to politicians like President Obama, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, these critters are out there lurking in the shadows ready to pounce on unsuspecting Americans and force them to borrow money.

But God is good though, because I’ve never seen a PL. Although I’ve heard some stories about their powers of persuasion, still, I have to count my blessings. Many others are less fortunate.

Okay, let’s get back to reality.

The whole concept of the Predatory Lender is yet another Boogie Man Liberals love to create to sway the emotions of the public. It’s about as substantive as cotton candy. But, it gives license to thousands of people who borrowed more money than they could afford, for homes they had no business buying.

Does personal responsibility account for anything anymore?

I guess in the Liberal world, it doesn’t, which is why some people need Democrats to protect them from the big bad lenders throwing money in peoples faces.

But, just in case, I won’t stop praying.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/15/09

Anne Hathaway You Make Me Feel Like Dancing song

Anne Hathaway You Make Me Feel Like Dancing is the song from "Ella Enchanted" soundtrack - You Make Me Feel Like Dancing by Anne Hathaway and Wes Quave. It is a remix songs Leo Sayer.

Anne Hathaway performs three songs on Ella Enchanted: Original Soundtrack album including one duet with Jesse McCartney, as below:

1. Jesse McCartney and Anne Hathaway - "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" 3:10
2. Anne Hathaway - "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" (Remix) 3:20
3. Anne Hathaway - "Somebody To Love" 3:23

Anne Hathaway - You Make Me Feel Like Dancing (Remix) Lyrics
Uh, uh, come on
Anne Anne Anne Hathaway
Uh Wes Quave
Uh yo it's Pierre
It's the remix
Come on
I wanna dance babe

You've got a cute way of talking
You got the better of me
Just snap your fingers and I'm walking
Like a dog hanging on your lead
I'm in a spin you know
Shaking on a string you know

You make me feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away
You make me feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away
You make feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away
Dancing (woo) dancing (woo) dance the night away
Dancing (woo) dancing (woo) dance the night away

Down on the floor we're soaring
Ain't feeling tired no no no
Just hold me tight and leave on the light
Cause I don't wanna go home

You put a spell on me
Right where you want me to be

You make me feel like dancing
I want to dance the night away
You make me feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away
You make feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away
Dancing (woo) dancing (woo) dance the night away
Dancing (woo) dancing (woo) dance the night away

One look I was shook
And that's all it took
And now I'm open
As I walk across the room
I saw you scoping
Now I'm hoping
To get you on the dance floor
Comment �a va?
Ma cherie amour
Let's be blunt
It's you I adore
Your mind, your body, your soul
My heart is yours
Now let's keep it real ma
You're the definition of hot appeal
From the top to the bottom
The bottom to the top
Baby you're hot hot
Come on, let's keep on dancing

And if you'll let me stay we'll dance our nights away
You make me feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away
You make me feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away
You make me feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away
You make me feel like dancing

Feel like feel like dancing
Feel like feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away

I'm gonna dance the night away
Feel like feel like dancing
Feel like feel like dancing
I'm gonna dance the night away

Anne Hathaway MP3 Downloads
Anne HathawayAnne HathawayAnne HathawayAnne HathawayAnne HathawayAnne HathawayAnne HathawayAnne HathawayAnne Hathaway

Monday, September 14, 2009

Conservative Reformation

The September 12 march on Washington was more than a huge Tea Party event. D.C. police and network news organizations estimated the throngs of civic-minded Americans of between 1.5 to 2 million people. But, this sea of humanity walking down the heart of our nation’s capital was more than citizens fed up with out-of-control government spending, or Obama Care.

What happened on Saturday was only a glimpse of the awakening of what Richard Nixon once called the Silent Majority. To characterize this event as a seismic shift of attitude towards President Barack Obama’s policies would be a serious miscalculation.

This was no shift!

Truth be told, a sleeping giant who may have taken some concepts of liberty, self determination, a free market economy, and the benefits of small government for granted, have responded to a new call. Many of these people who participated in the protest have never done anything like it in their lives.

This is a very good thing.

These people of many different walks of life were not responding to a cult of personality. Conservatives don’t operate that way. We don’t need too. And for as much as some Conservative writers and politicians tried to mistakenly argue that Conservatism needs to be redefined, or reshaped, or repackaged, or the age of Ronald Reagan is dead, I say look at the amount of people who showed up to make their voices heard.

This is a reformation movement because the people are responding to Conservative ideas that don’t need to be tweaked one bit. They only need to be properly represented. And this is exactly what President Obama and the rest of the Democrats are desperately afraid of.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/14/09

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Liar’s Game: Only Democrats Can Call Republicans Liar’s and Get Away Scott Free

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we.

Interview with Senator Harry Reid, NBC’s Meet the Press, December 5, 2004

MR. RUSSERT: When the president talked about Yucca Mountain and moving the nation's nuclear waste there, you were very, very, very strong in your words. You said, "President Bush is a liar. He betrayed Nevada and he betrayed the country."

Is that rhetoric appropriate?

SEN. REID: I don't know if that rhetoric is appropriate. That's how I feel, and that's how I felt. I think to take that issue, Tim, to take the most poisonous substance known to man, plutonium, and haul 70,000 tons of it across the highways and railways of this country, past schools and churches and people's businesses is wrong. It's something that is being forced upon this country by the utilities, and it's wrong. And we have to stop it. And people may not like what I said, but I said it, and I don't back off one bit.

Can Harry Reid join Joe Wilson in apologizing in front of congress?

I won’t hold my breath.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Lat Tradition, 9/12/09

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Remembering 911

I remember the morning of September 11, 2001. It was an extremely clear day as I was listening to a local hip hop station while riding the LIRR on the way to work. The DJ, who was renewed for his off beat and sometimes off color humor, just announced that a plane had just crashed into the World Trade Center. Then everything outside went black because the train rolled into a tunnel and my radio signal was cut off.

Boy, what a kidder this guy is, to actually joke about something like that.

But, it turned out he wasn’t joking. When I got out the subway, the streets were electric. Sirens were wailing. People were quickly moving about in different directions.

This wasn’t a joke at all.

It turned onto a news station because I wasn’t in the mood to hear music anymore. I thought a terrible accident had happened. This was before I heard on the radio that a second plane crashed into the World Trade Center.

This wasn’t an accident anymore.

Two blocks away from where I worked for all of my adult life, my city was under attack. At that moment, I didn’t know about the people jumping off windows of the WTC because they didn’t want to burn to death. So they jumped dozens of stories to another kind of demise. Some of their bodies simply exploded upon hitting the concrete.

But, that wasn’t the worst of it.

Planes were heading toward Washington D.C. We didn’t know how many planes were in the air and where they were going. One flew into the Pentagon. Another crashed landed in a field in Pennsylvania because some brave Americans on that plane rose up and chose to die on their terms and not of those of the terrorists.

However, in 2009, eight years later, President Barack Obama doesn’t allow us to use the words, “terrorists”, or “war on terror”, anymore. I won’t bother to mention the new phrases that are the official terminology of the Obama administration because they are not only idiotic, but an insult to the memory of all those who died that day.

But, for as long as I live, I WILL NEVER FORGET that day and the people who were responsible. The president can be as politically correct as he wants. For millions of proud, right thinking Americans, we will never forget the true meaning of 911. No matter how others may try to de-emphasis its meaning, we will never forget because we carry the blood of the greatest generation who answered the call of December 7, 1941. And for those who don’t even know the significance of that date, step aside, no change that, get out our way!

We salute and pray for the lives that were lost.


Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/11/09

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Green Jobs Flim Flam

“America can be the 21st century clean energy leader by harnessing the power of alternative and renewable energy, ending our addiction to foreign oil, addressing the global climate crisis, and creating millions of new Green jobs that can’t be shipped overseas.”
President Barack Obama

You might have heard something about a guy in the Obama administration (Van Jones) who had to make his exit stage right, oh pardon me, stage left over his questionable past. You also might have heard the term, “green jobs” thrown around too.

But, have you ever wondered what the heck is a green job in the first place? It all sounds so murky to me. Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary to Bill Clinton and an economic advisor to President Obama, describes green job as follows:

But there's no reason to think about "green jobs" as simply high-tech. Many low-income and low-skilled workers -- women as well as men -- could be put directly to work providing homes and businesses with more efficient and renewable heating, lighting, cooling, and refrigeration systems; installing solar panels and efficient photovoltaic systems; rehabilitating and renovating old properties, and improving recycling systems. "

It sounds to me, to hear Secy Reich tell it, that these 5 million green jobs that President Obama promised sound like a 21st century euphemism for day laborers hauling solar panels around. Another way of looking at the so-called Green Jobs industry is that it’s President Obama’s version of the WPA which President Franklin D. Roosevelt created to put millions of Americans to work on the public dime.

This is not really a growth industry but rather another attempt to increase the size of government. President Obama is putting a shinny new frame around an old faded photo. He does this because he believes that government is the catalyst for everything. What he doesn’t understand is that government doesn’t create jobs, it makes them them, and there’s a difference.

Private industry, another area where the president knows nothing about and by every action he takes, is hostile toward, creates value and sells it as a product or service. All government does is redistributes value it takes in through fees and taxes paid by the hard work of citizens.

The folly of the so-called green jobs industry is that it is not economically viable. To hear President Obama describe it, oil and coal are derogatory terms. In fact, he never says the word “oil” without adding the word “dirty” in front of it.


Because he wants to convey an inference that producers of oil and coal are greedy profiteers that pollute the environment with harmful carbon emissions. What he leaves out is that the oil and coal industry employs millions of Americans. Oil runs the turbines that generate electricity that runs our industries. Without the use oil the United States would never have become the greatest economic power in world history.

But, America is the villain in Obama’s world which is why he feels compelled to apologize for her whenever he travels abroad. He has to demonize the oil industry because Liberals like Obama have to make a demon out of somebody or something to convince others that he knows what’s best.
The experiences of the European Union nations, who are 20 years ahead of us in the green industry, demonstrate that “for every green job created, a real job is destroyed in the economy.

Green jobs are going to cost real jobs, if congress passes Cap and Trade.

And the dirty little secret that President Obama and Van Jones wouldn’t fess up to, is that the so-called green jobs is nothing more than a minority jobs plan earmarked for low-income and low-skilled workers.

Who do you think they were talking about?

When testifying in front of congress, Robert Reich said, “"I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers"

Need I say more?

So, when you hear the talk about green jobs, think of it as the 21st century version of digging ditches back in the 30s under Roosevelt. I’m not saying that good public works weren’t accomplished. But, after the work is done or more likely the money runs out like the recent Cash for Clunkers, another government debacle, where will we be?

It’s back to raising more taxes or borrowing more money from China and putting the country further in the hole that leaves future generations of Americans in debt before they're even born.

The Bible says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

I can’t argue with that.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/10/09

Monday, September 7, 2009

Was Obama Born in Hawaii or Kenya? Step-N-Fetch It Media Doesn’t Care

“Those crazy Birthers!”

That’s what Chris Matthews and other members of the MSM refers to the people in this country who believe that Barack Obama was born outside the United States.

The members of the enslaved press have gone into “protect mode” and have thus far successfully marginalized these people who only want the truth to be settled once and for all. They characterize them as WingNuts, short for Right Wing Conservatives that want to bring down the president.

I don’t know the truth.

But, in light of the Van Jones affair, the MSM has a huge credibility problem and it’s only getting worse.

In Virginia, Republican Bob McDonnell is leading in all the polls for the governorship of the state. Of course the Washington Post, one of the charter members of the MSM, has actually reverted into “journalism mode” by digging up a 20 year old masters thesis written by McDonnel that contain views some might find offensive.

The particulars of what he wrote are not germane to this article. That’s up to the voters of Virginia to mull over and decide their vote.

However, where is this zeal by the MSM concerning Barack Obama’s place of birth?
What’s at issue here is the selective professionalism by the press. They have no problem digging really deep to inform the public about candidates that they differ with ideologically.

But, when it comes to ideological heroes, a wink and a nod suits them just fine.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/7/09

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Does Van Jones Resignation Really Say About Mainstream Media

Van Jones, Baraclk Obama’s so-called Green Jobs Czar resigned late last night, Sept 6, 2009 as a result of the truth being brought to light. The bigger story and what every American should realize is that all the information about his radical views were not reported by the New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC.

How could this be?

The answer is very simple.

These so-called news organizations have become stenography centers. Their mission statement used to be to objectively report the news to the public. This endeavor however is so important that it is constitutionally protected by the 1st amendment. A free press is a vital component to a successful democracy.

However, we no longer have a free press.

The mainstream media in this country is enslaved by Left Wing ideology. The days of objectively reporting the goings on of government are long dead. Get used to it because those days won’t be coming back if they ever existed at all.

The resignation of Van Jones is a minor detail. He won’t be even a footnote in history. What really matters is why he got the job in the first place. And the answer to that is simple too.

President Barack Obama and Van Jones are one in the same. They are both ideological brothers-in-arms who believe America needs to be remade into a socialist Utopia.

These facts have always been out there. But it took WorldNet Daily, an Internet site, who for the past five months dug into Van Jones’s radical history and reported the facts to the public. Then Glenn Beck picked up the story and was attacked by Left Wing bloggers for simply doing what the mainstream media USED TO DO!

The real story about Van Jones is that the mainstream media is on life support. They no longer have a monopoly on the public’s trust.

Unfortunately, millions of Americans still trust the mainstream media for their news. And President Obama will continue to use his stenographers (mainstream media) to deceive the public from his true intentions.

But, that’s beginning to crumble too.

Thank God for that.

Yes, I said it!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/6/09

Saturday, September 5, 2009

White House to Raise Red China Flag in Celebration of Regime That Murdered Millions

The administration of President Barack Obama, whose official blogger while Obama was a candidate came under attack for hanging a Communist Party flag in his Harvard apartment, apparently has given permission to raise the emblem of Communist China over the south lawn of the White House.

The plan, reported by several English-language Chinese media outlets
, has raised concern among those who are working to guard the United States from outside influences that could be threats.

According to the Global Times English-language edition, the national flag of the communist People's Republic of China on Sept. 20 will be raised for the first time on the White House's south lawn – a secured area seldom available for public events – in recognition of the Chinese anniversary.
"The ceremony has gotten official approval," Xiao Shuigen, secretary of the Union of Chinese American Professional Organizations, told the Times.

"It was always my dream to raise a Chinese flag in the center of Washington, D.C.," Chen Ronghua, chief of the U.S.-Fujian Association, told the newspaper. "This year, my motherland's 60th birthday, is the perfect time for it."
According to China Daily, Chinese associations in the United States applied to have a ceremony.

Such emblems were an issue during Obama's presidential campaign, when a Houston Fox TV affiliate captured images of a volunteer in an Obama campaign office working in front of a flag featuring the image of Che Guevara, the South American revolutionary who became Fidel Castro's executioner after the communist takeover in Cuba.

At that time, the Obama campaign issued a statement calling the flag "inappropriate" and noting that the office where it was displayed was funded by "volunteers" and was not the official campaign headquarters.
However, it was Sam Graham-Felsen, a journalist-on-leave from The Nation, who joined Obama for America in 2007 and worked as the official blogger. He, according to a 2003 article in the Harvard Crimson, adorned one corner of his shared student apartment with "a Communist Party flag ... bought on their trip to Russia the summer after sophomore year."

The proposed event at the White House was condemned on the forums page on Fox News commentator Sean Hannity's website.

"People could understand if there was a Chinese visitor at the White House and the Red flag was placed on the stage behind the speakers, but to hoist the commie pinko flag in 'honor' of the founding of the People's Republic of China is absurd," the forum participant said. "This only goes to prove the Obama administration is out-of-touch with the American people."

William Gheen, chief of Americans for Legal Immigration, the pre-eminent organization battling against illegal immigration, said it's the message that is sent to the world that will be significant.
"Our concern is that sovereign wealth funds, like the Chinese, now control the executive branch more than the American people," he said. "China is not our friend. China is our enemy. Our enemy is coming and raising their own flag in a type of proclamation.

"I expect the Chinese media will make a big thing of it," he said, saying something like, "'Look how strong and powerful China is, raising our flag on the White House.'"

He said it conveys the same message as if Old Glory would be raised on the property of the Kremlin.
Gheen said the issue becomes clear "why the new water stations at illegal alien crossings into the United States have instructions in English, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese."

At the Red County blog, the author said, "Celebrating Americans of Chinese descent is one thing. Celebrating Communism is another. Now our president will hoist the Communist flag over the White House. How fitting and in sync with his political belief system."

A spokesman for the American Legion told WND that if the proper protocols are followed, there should be no issue with the actual display of a Chinese flag, especially since diplomatic visits routinely include the display of foreign flags.
But those with obviously U.S. leanings on the Global Times forum page were outraged.

•"Another public short coming and failure by the Obama administration."


•"It can now be official – leave the flag there."

•"So let me get this straight – the Chinese are going to celebrate the founding of their country on the south lawn of the White House! Did we celebrate the 4th of July in Beijing in front of their Leader's House? What other proof do you need that Obama is the Manchurian Candidate."

•"Oh Crap, Have the Chinese foreclosed on us already?

Bob Unruh, WorldNet Daily, 9/5/09

Step-N-Fetch It Media Conveniently Silent on Obama Appointed Czar Van Jones

ABC & NBC Continue Van Jones Blackout, Instead Tout Obama's 'Transparency' and Rue Attacks on Him

ABC and NBC on Friday night, even after White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was forced to address the topic, continued their blackout of the radical and America-hating conspiracy views of Van Jones, the “Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation” on the White House's Council on Environmental Quality.
Instead of taking up how five years ago Jones signed the petition calling for an “immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur,” a revelation to which FNC's Special Report devoted a full story on Thursday, on ABC's World News fill-in anchor George Stephanopoulos trumpeted the Obama White
House “transparency” in the “unprecedented” decision to release visitor logs, which Jake Tapper described as an “historic” move before Stephanopoulos fretted over how Obama “is facing this liberal revolt over the public health insurance option, and the President decided to take it head-on today.”

Over on NBC, Brian Williams bemoaned: “A back to school speech by the President. How did it get branded as an attempt to brainwash America's children?” He also conveyed liberal disappointment Obama-defenders aren't tough enough: “Some are asking how the White House message got hijacked before the speech was delivered and why more people aren't pushing back.” Andrea Mitchell asserted that “it's only the latest example of what the White House calls the silly season -- town halls where disabled speakers are shouted down....From charges of death panels to the birthers...”

So, NBC Nightly News rued the impact of the “birther” believers but still didn't find newsworthy how the Obama administration picked for a prominent White House position a guy who believes the nation's leaders committed mass murder.
Only the CBS Evening News, of the broadcast network evening newscasts on Friday night, mentioned Van Jones -- in a full story from Bill Plante that also featured several other wacky and hateful utterances from Jones. (Scott Whitlock's earlier post: “All Three Morning Shows Skip Any Reference to Radical Obama Czar and 9/11 Truthers.)

CNN also caught up with FNC on Friday with a full story on The Situation Room by Kate Snow who highlighted how, angry at the non-guilty verdicts for the police officers in the Rodney King case 15 years earlier, in 2005 Jones told the San Francisco-area East Bay Express: “By August, I was a communist.”

In his Thursday night FNC piece (Brad Wilmouth's item), James Rosen reported:
And within hours after the Twin Towers collapsed, the groups Jones founded and led lashed out at U.S. police and intelligence agencies for using 9/11 as a, quote, “cash cow.” The manifesto for one of these groups equated those killed on 9/11 with, quote, “the victims of U.S. imperialism around the world.”

Friday night, Stephanopoulos teased World News with an upbeat spin on the highest unemployment rate in 26 years: “The unemployment rate nears 10 percent, but the numbers aren't all bad.”
He then turned to Jake Tapper at the White House and covered three topics, but not Jones despite the fact Tapper had used his “Political Punch” blog on Thursday night and Friday to take up Jones:
From the Friday, September 4 World News:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me bring in Jake Tapper now from the White House, and Jake we have a lot to cover tonight. But let's begin with the economy. Wall Street shrugged off these unemployment numbers today, went up about 100 points, solid gains for the week and it seemed like the core message from the White House today is that this could have been a lot worse.

JAKE TAPPER: That's exactly right, George, the message from the White House is that the last time that the job loss numbers were this low was a year ago and while they know they have a lot of work to do, they are on the uptick. They say this is because of the recovery plan, the stimulus bill, which has meant good news out of the housing sector, and for manufacturing jobs and, of course, for consumer confidence.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And there was a major announcement today on the issue of transparency from the White House as they announced that going forward, they are going to release the public the names of virtually all the visitors to the White House, and that is unprecedented.

TAPPER: It's unprecedented, it is historic. There are some exceptions. They will not release the names of individuals, disclosing information might cause some national security issues or individuals who are conducting personal visits with the first or second families, the Obamas or the Bidens. And they also will temporarily withhold information about any sensitive political visits, like a Supreme Court candidate.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Finally, looking ahead to the President's health care speech next week, the White House is facing this liberal revolt over the public health insurance option, and the President decided to take it head-on today.
TAPPER: That's right. He had a conference call with major House liberal leaders who wanted to push the President to include what they call a robust public option, a government-run health care plan in the health care reform bill. The President listened, but the bottom line, George, is he hasn't made any decisions, he has to listen to all the Democrats in the House and Senate, and for him, the public option is a means to an end. It's a way to make sure costs are contained, to have competition with insurance companies, and, of course, to keep insurance companies honest. He is not committed to a public option, therefore there could be any number of ways to achieve what he wants to achieve.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Okay, Jake Tapper from the White House, thanks very much.
From the CBS Evening News:

JEFF GLOR'S TEASE: Conservative outrage, the uproar after a presidential advisor attacks Republicans.
JEFF GLOR: Chances are that until this week you'd never heard the name Van Jones. He's a presidential advisor who suddenly finds himself in the middle of an uproar over what he said about Republicans and his views on 9/11. Now some in the GOP say it's time for Jones to resign. Here's senior White House correspondent Bill Plante.
BILL PLANTE: Van Jones is a White House advisor for environmentally friendly jobs, but provocative statements he made before he joined the administration have sparked conservative outrage. In a speech last year, Jones joked about what he called President Bush's addiction to oil.

VAN JONES, JUNE 28, 2008: I hope I don't offend anybody, but the President of the United States sounded like a crack head when he said that. Like a crack head trying to lick the crack pipe for a fix.

PLANTE: Jones' take no prisoners rhetoric is no ricocheting around the Internet. In this meeting from February, just before he joined the White House team, Jones responded to an audience question about why Democrats were not as successful as Republicans.

JONES, FEBRUARY 11: Well, the answer to that is they're [bleep]holes and Barack Obama's not a [bleep]hole. So some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity.

PLANTE: Jones has long been an outspoken advocate for liberal causes, lashing out in 2007 against unequal justice for African-Americans.
JONES, JANUARY 5, 2007: You don't have to call somebody the "n" word if you can call them a felon.

PLANTE: What's prompted the most outrage is Jones' signature on the 2004 petition of a so-called 9/11 truth organization, calling for “immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur.” In a statement issued by the White House, Jones said: “If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize. As for the petition, I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever.”

Friends say Jones told them he had not read the petition before he signed it. But angry conservatives say remarks made last month by White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett suggest that the White House was very familiar with Jones' activism.
VALERIE JARRETT, AUGUST 15 in C-SPAN VIDEO: Van Jones, we were so delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House. We've been watching him really for, he's not that old, for as long as he's been active out of Oakland and all of the ways that he has, the creative ideas that he has. So now we have captured that.
PLANTE: White House spokesman Robert Gibbs today would say only that Jones continues to work at the White House. Not exactly a full embrace. But it is classic Washington speak for “let's see how this all plays out.” Bill Plante, CBS News, the White House.

Brent Baker, NewsBusters, 9/5/09

Friday, September 4, 2009

Look at Yourr Kids Text Books

You may be shocked to find what passes for education in your kids text books. Leering about what happened in the past has becoeme a haven for revisionist history by every special interests group on the planet. Everybody wants a piece of the politically correct pie. What we're left with is children damaged to the point of literate ignorance.


Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/4/09

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Time to Indoctrinate the Kids


'ABC" stands for All Barack's Children. On Sept. 8, young students across the country will be watch ing TV. Yes, they'll be parked in front of boob tubes and computer screens watching President Obama's address on education.

Instead of reviewing multiplication tables or diagramming sentences, America's kids will be lectured about the importance of learning. Then the schoolchildren, from pre-K through 12th grade, will be exhorted to Do Something -- other than sit in their seats and receive academic instruction, that is.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan dispatched letters to principals nationwide, boasting, "This is the first time an American president has spoken directly to the nation's schoolchildren about persisting and succeeding in school."

But the goal isn't merely morale boosting. White House event-related guides developed by the US Department of Education's Teaching Fellows say elementary students will be told to "listen to the speech" and "think about the following":

* What is the president trying to tell me?

* What is the president asking me to do?

* What new ideas and actions is the president challenging me to think about?

* Students can record important parts of the speech where the president is asking them to do something. Students might think about: What specific job is he asking me to do? Is he asking anything of anyone else? Teachers? Principals? Parents? The American people?

After the speech, teachers will ask students:

* What do you think the president wants us to do?

* Does the speech make you want to do anything?

* Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?

Obama's White House Teaching Fellows include Chicago high-school educator Xian Barrett, a fierce opponent of charter schools who founded a "Social Justice Club" and bussed students to protests, as well as Michelle Bissonette, a Los Altos, Calif., teacher who is "focused on developing my leadership as a more culturally and racially conscious educator."

The activist tradition of government schools using students as junior lobbyists can't be ignored. Teachers unions have enlisted captive schoolchildren as letter-writers in their campaigns for more education spending. Activists have enlisted their secondary-school charges in pro-illegal immigration protests, gay marriage ceremonies, environmental-propaganda stunts and anti-war events.

Last year's presidential campaign saw disgraceful abuses of power by pro-Obama instructors. In New Rochelle, elementary students were given an in-class assignment to color in drawings of Obama -- including a picture of a campaign button featuring his face and the slogan "Students for Obama 2008." In Cumberland County, NC, a fifth-grade teacher turned a "civics" discussion into an unhinged harangue against a girl who said her family supported John McCain.

Nor can the Democrats' strategy of using kiddie human shields to advance their legislative agenda be overlooked in the context and timing of Obama's speech. Children have been front and center of the left's push for an ever-increasing government role in health care.

So when the Department of Education directs schools to gather children 'round the TV monitors for Obama's pep talk and then have them do this . . .

* Create posters of their goals. Posters could be formatted in quadrants or puzzle pieces or trails marked with the labels: personal, academic, community, country. Each area could be labeled with three steps for achieving goals in those areas. It might make sense to focus on personal and academic so community and country goals come more readily.

* Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. These would be collected and redistributed later by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals.

. . . parents have every right to worry about their children being used as Political Guinea Pigs for Change.

Michelle Malkin, NY Post, 9/3/09

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Memo to the President: E.I.T. Worked and Saved Lives


IF Dick Cheney had a fantasy scenario for how the Bush administration interrogation program worked, it might go like this: A top al Qaeda operative is captured, but resists traditional interrogation. He's then waterboarded, after which he becomes an invaluable resource. Eventually, the terrorist conducts tutorials on al Qaeda doctrine and operations for the benefit of US intelligence officers.

Except it's not a fable. It describes the course of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed's post-capture career, according to The Washington Post. The Post report, together with CIA documents released in the last week, demolishes a key argument of opponents of so-called enhanced interrogation techniques -- that " 'torture' never works."

This contention always betrayed an insecurity. For all their thundering about the immorality of coercive interrogations, opponents never dared admit that they could have elicited important, perhaps lifesaving, information. They treated it as a kind of metaphysical impossibility.

In so doing, they left a hostage to fortune. They had to hope that Cheney was wrong when he said that classified documents proved the interrogations' effectiveness, or that the documents would never be declassified. The release of the 2004 Central Intelligence Agency inspector general's report -- declassified thanks to an ACLU lawsuit -- has been a disaster for them. In the intelligence business, it's called blowback.

The IG report said detainees in the interrogation program made the CIA aware of plots to attack the US consulate in Karachi, Pakistan; to fly hijacked aircraft into Heathrow Airport; to derail a train in America; to blow up US gas stations; to fly an airplane into the tallest building in California; and to collapse bridges in New York. If any of these attacks had come off, many of the same critics braying about the CIA's interrogations would be outraged about its failure to "connect the dots."

The IG report doesn't flatly assert that the interrogations were responsible for this intelligence haul, but the facts make it obvious. Top terrorists were withholding information before the application of the toughest techniques, but compliant afterward.

The report says KSM was "an accomplished resistor," who gave mostly "outdated, inaccurate or incomplete" information until he was waterboarded. Afterward, he became the "most prolific" source of important leads.

The IG report says KSM's cooperation led to the arrest of a truck driver in the US named Iyman Faris who was plotting attacks on New York landmarks; of a sleeper operative in New York named Saleh Almari; of an operative named Majid Khan who had easy entree into the US; and of two Pakistani businessmen whom KSM "planned to use to smuggle explosives into the United States."

Overall, according to another CIA document released last week, "detainees in mid-2003 helped us build a list of 70 individuals -- many of who we had never heard of before -- that al Qaeda deemed suitable for Western operations." In the War on Terror, learning these operatives' identities is almost the equivalent of the ULTRA program breaking German codes in World War II.

The former CIA Inspector General John Helgerson tells The Washington Post that "waterboarding and sleep deprivation were the two most powerful techniques and elicited a lot of information." Such extreme methods should obviously be used only in a carefully controlled setting against top detainees harboring information about ongoing plots. Detainees like KSM and a few of his confederates, who provided intelligence valuable enough to justify their harsh treatment.

Years of bombast and distortion have nonetheless killed the enhanced-interrogation program. The Obama administration has put the CIA out of the interrogation business and will henceforth endeavor to limit itself to the minimalist methods in the Army Field Manual. Thus it enshrines an interrogation regime that wouldn't have gotten KSM to cooperate so quickly, if at all. And turns its back on what worked.

Rich Lowry, NY Post, 9/2/09

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Poll Dropping Languishing President Out for Patriot’s Blood


THE Obama administration's determination to hold witch-hunt "investigations" of CIA interrogators who did their patriotic best to keep us safe endangers us all.

Castrate the CIA, and Americans will die. But the Obama White House wants vengeance against those who don't fit its ideology. Your family's safety comes a distant second.

And let's get real: Attorney General Eric Holder (whose top career achievement was finessing the presidential pardon of a criminal Clinton donor) is not acting independently.

Anyone who believes that Holder didn't pre-brief the president and get the nod prior to announcing his determination to crucify high-achieving CIA agents probably believes that government-run health care will balance the federal budget.

I followed this travesty as I worked with our military at various bases last month. I could have been listening to old BBC World Service reports from the Third World. This is the sort of politicized retribution that prevails in backwater countries when regimes change.

Our wise tradition has been for new administrations to accept that their predecessors did their best, however disagreeably, and move on. Gerald Ford sacrificed himself to that end, and even Jimmy Carter understood that presidencies are not for domestic revenge.

And the lesson the left should draw from its own wretched global history is that those who stage the show trials this time may wind up in the dock themselves when the wheel turns.

But Obama's political base wants blood. American blood. This inquisition isn't about justice. It's about punishing those who fought terror with all their might.

What have we come to when our attorney general frees terrorists, then threatens to prosecute patriots who treated butchers too harshly for left-wing tastes?

What Holder intends -- with Obama's blessing -- isn't about cleaning up a rogue agency, but cleaning out those who believed that protecting our country trumped all else in wartime. This ideological purge promises to do more damage to the intelligence community than even the crippling Carter-era shenanigans -- whose effects are still felt today.

For his part, Obama's trying to have it both ways: letting Holder wear the black hat to advance an extreme-left agenda, while the president poses as if he's a disinterested party high above the fray.

But Washington doesn't work that way. And we all know it. If the president disapproved of the Holder witch-hunt, he could fire the attorney general today.

He won't, though. Because, in this administration's hard-left cosmos, the CIA is evil. For that matter, America is evil. Americans need to be punished and forced to face the evil our country has done.

So terrorists are "liberated," Gitmo will be closed, and the careers and lives of patriots will be shattered.

This matters. After serving in and around the intelligence world for decades, I can tell you that we're far better off with intelligence operatives, from interrogators to analysts, who show too much zeal than with timid bureaucrats who dread making any slight error.

You can't do useful intelligence work on a choke-chain. Yes, the intel community needs oversight and guidance. But it's vile for armchair critics, safe at home, to damn the earnest efforts of those who broke the likes of arch-terrorist Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

And some hard-core terrorists do have to be broken. Patiently playing to the prisoner's vanity works best in run-of-the-mill interrogations, but there are always exceptions. In those cases, our intelligence warriors must feel confident that our government's behind them -- and not waving an indictment.

The American people get this. The left's obsession with the rights of terrorists finds no support among sensible citizens. But the issue's been hijacked by the America-hating zealots who shaped our president's worldview and by media scoundrels whose credo comes from Grace Slick's 1960s lyric "I'd rather have my country die for me."

For the rest of us to live in peace, patriots must stand at the edge of darkness where our enemies dwell. This is a war. And it is sometimes necessary to do evil in war to achieve a greater good. Fighting Islamist terrorism isn't about campus theories. It's about the fate of millions.

In this bitter struggle that has been forced upon us, the Obama administration stands for creeping surrender.

Ralph Peter, NY Post, 9/1/09